Chapter 7

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"I have an idea to get Colby jealous and make him sorry for what he did," Tara said smirking on my bed. "And what's the idea," I asked. "For you to get a fake girlfriend." I look at her shocked. Everyone knows I'm gay, how the hell is that gonna work?! "Tara.. I'm in to boys. How many times do I have to tell you this," she rolls her eyes. "A lot of people wanna go on a date with you.. and I have the perfect girl who would definitely want to be you girl friend," Tara says

"And who is that." She smiles and shows me a picture. "Katrina Stuart?! Are you crazy?! She has been in love with me sense like the 2nd grade," I spat and frown. "Sam I could ask.. Reggie to." I laugh and shake my head. "Hell no." She smiled and we agree that we should do this.

~~End of flashback~~

"Omg Tara he was so jealous," I say telling her what all happened. "I told you it would work," Tara says smirking. I then get a call from kat. "Hey babe, wanna come over." I frown. I feel bad for using Kat. She is such a nice girl,but I'm into boys. "Sorry kat, maybe tomorrow," I say and hang up the phone. Tara hugs me and I hug back. "Did you phone just go off." I nodded checking it.

Colby: last chance.. do you want me or that Katrina girl. Choose wisely.

Me: I choose the one who isn't a player. So I choose kat

Colby: you are gonna regret this..

I then showed Tara the text. "Sam be careful. Knowing Colby.. he could be dangerous," she said and I nodded.  Colby is the sweetest person I know.. how could he be dangerous?

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