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"Your not with Joohyun today? Did you two already broke up?" Joy said when she noticed that Seulgi is eating alone in their lunch table

"Joy!!! What the fuck?. Why would we break up?"

"Yeah Joy why would they break up if they still don't have label yet?" Wendy tease sliding down their sit

"Fuck you" Seulgi said and the two girls laugh

"Anyway why are you alone?" Joy ask again

"And I heard that you've skip first period" Wendy added

"jisoo-unnie said that their parents took Joohyun to a temple and I didn't know so I waited for her for hour" Seulgi answered

"You should have texted her" Wendy stated

"I did but I can't reach her she's in the temple Wendy"


Days passed and Seulgi still can't reach Joohyun, she was out of sight and out of reach. Seulgi badly missed her lover. Everywhere she look she could see her. Seulgi would be found looking at nowhere like a lost child and her friends would make fun of her

"Seulgi you look stupid"Joy poke Seulgi's cheek and the latter slap it away from her

"I want Baechu. Bring me Baechu" Seulgi said like a child

"I wonder what would happen to you. if you two won't ended up being together" Joy said

"It's not healthy for you Seul. Look at yourself. You only knows Baechu Baechu-" Wendy got interrupted

"Your a twit" Joy inserted

"You only breathe for her-"

"A dude who only knows her Baechu"Joy inserted again

"Joy I swear if you cut me again I will split your throat*Wendy warned* Anyway as what I said you shouldn't breathe for her Seul, you shouldn't make her your world remember that she's a human and isn't supposed to be someone's world.*she put her hand on Seulgi's shoulder* I'm sorry but I just don't want you to hurt yourself. Don't drain yourself out Seul and leave something for yourself even just a little bit" Wendy finished

"Wendy is right. You can't make a person your world. You should look around once in a while" Joy finally said something maturely

"I know but I can't help it. You know how much I love her" Seulgi admitted

"You can atleast try" Wendy look at her friend lovingly

"Ok Wendy I'll try. But I could never promise" Seulgi smile

"That's enough for us" Joy finish it up

Candy // SeulReneWhere stories live. Discover now