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Streaky Things

I arrived at National City.

The air was cool but was carrying something, I used my supervision and some sort of particles were floating around, I looked straight at one but I couldn't see the inside.

You do know that it's lead right?

Ignoring her, I dropped down an alleyway and caught a glimpse of my clothes. Soaked in blood, I might add.

I looked around the alley trying to to find something to cover it and just my luck, I found some clothes hanging on a clothes line attached to a open window. I flew up and grabbed them.

A dark blue hoodie with a rainbow outlined triceratop in the middle and some stone washed jeans, the hoodie was three sizes too big but the jeans were fine. All was fine until I saw that I was wearing fuzzy slippers.

You need to change that yah know?

Once again  I ignored her and looked around, I didn't find anything, and I can't just go inside the window, I took too much already.

Using my supervision, I found a pair of sneakers getting dried on the roof, I grabbed them and put them on, I took my blood soaked clothes and disposed them.

Walking out of the alley, I found myself standing in front of Noonan's it was 10 in the evening and I didn't want anything so I walked away, heading to Kara's loft.

Bad luck seems to be following me everywhere when fat drops of rain started falling from the sky, normally I would make a dash for it but for some odd reason I kept walking in a normal pace, the hood of the hoodie was starting to get wet but I didn't care.

I started to blocked out the sounds cars were making and my hearing focused on  the rain, making me feel like I was the only one there, walking, at some point, I stopped and just looked up at the sky. The moon and stars were covered by dark clouds.

A single rain drop fell on my face, followed by another and another.



Somebody whispered, but it seems so distant like it's so-


I looked to my left and my eyes widen at the incoming car, the headlights on showing the trail of the rain, but for some reason I didn't move. I couldn't, I was paralyzed.

What the hell?! Move! Seira screamed, as I try to move my feet but they wouldn't budged.

The incoming car was getting closer and closer and the rain probably made it hard to see me since the hoodie was dark and blended with the night.

I still couldn't move, the driver probably spotted me and started blowing their horn, signalling me to my move but still, I wouldn't budge, I stood rooted to the spot, staring at the car as the distance turned to a meter wide.

Keira! What the heck are you doing! Move! Seira kept screaming and finally when the car was 5 feet away, I finally moved, practically leaping out of the way as the car continued on its way, I could literally hear him let out the breath he was holding.

After the incident, that thankfully only a few saw, I continued on my way to Kara's, and finally found myself in front of her door.

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