I have left you an email.

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I hadn't come to school this morning and she was worried I had fallen into another depressive episode. I saw that she rang me 4 times already but I couldn't even get out of my bed nevermind answer the phone and communicate, so instead I let it ring. She also emailed me, I read the email:
I'm very worried about you. Please ring me back. I have left you an voicemail.
I listened to the voicemail. Once. Twice. Three times. I eventually lost count how many times I listened to it. Her voice soothed me. It made me go into my safe place. I pressed replay over and over again.

I called her back after a while, she let out a big sigh of relief when she heard that I was okay. It felt good to have someone care about me that much. I came into school the next morning and when to her office first thing. She hugged me and asked me if I was really okay and if I was feeling better. She felt my hair and said with a giggle and a big smirk on her face, "I don't know how this is possible but your hair has grown a lot in 24 hours".

"Hmmm, you've noticed a little tiny thing, I wonder what else you've noticed", I teased walking off with a bounce in my steps. I looked back and saw her blush which made me chuckle.

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