Shhh... I got you.

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I sat in her office, with my head in her chest and her arms were wrapped around my back.

She whispered "Shhh... I got you. No need to worry now, you're safe."

To her she was just comforting a student she was very fond of, a student she admitted was her favourite but to me she meant everything. I felt at home, breathing in her gorgeous smell, resting on her smooth chest, her soft hands stroking my hair as her calm and gentle whispers sent shivers down my spine.

We had always been close. Since the first day of school. The only teacher I ever listened to. The only teacher that actually helped me. I opened up to her a lot, about the abuse I suffered as a child and how much pain I'm still in now and she eventually became my counsellor.

Every word she spoke, I soaked in. I looked into her kind eyes and I felt our souls connecting. Her hair bounced and her teeth shone, her arms swung gracefully and her long legs, showed off her Italian heritage. She'd catch my eye every time I saw her.

Once, I got up from a hug, closed my eyes and kissed her lips. For a couple seconds her lips lingered on mine but then took them away. She pulled her head back just as I did and I saw her open her eyes. She just looked so perfect and innocent yet so naughty and sexy.

"We mustn't do that, I'm married and your too young. Your a student, it's mustn't happen again", she said it nicely though, careful not to hurt my feelings, as she knew just how sensitive I was.

I spoke to her at least 2 or 3 times a day. I was entranced by everything she said and did. She made my heart skip a beat and i'd get butterflies in my tummy but at the same time I knew that she knew I was in love with her and I felt at peace and protected when I was with her.

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