"A party? Are you mad? This house is expensive! I don't want anyone ruining it." Brian handed the cup of tea to John.

"Bloody hell Brian! You complain about being lonely but you don't want people here." John sipped his tea and his face twisted into a look of disgust.

"What the fuck is this?" John opened the door and poured the tea out onto the grass.

"American tea." Brian snatched the cup from John.

"Fine, have your party. But if this house is messed up in any way, I'll ship you back to the slums of Liverpool."

"Hey! Don't talk about my home like that. At least we have good tea." John lifted his bags up from the ground and carried them into his room.

From his room, John yelled to Brian.

"Have you got a phone? I need to call Paul." Brian heard from upstairs.

"In the kitchen!" Brian yelled back. John rapidly came running down the stairs and flew into the kitchen. He grabbed the phone and began to dial Paul's number.

"Hello?" a groggy voice answered.

"Paul! It's so good to hear your voice!"

"John it's 1am, can you call me later?"  John's smile faded and turned into a light frown.

"Oh um, yeah. Sorry didn't realize it was so late there." John muttered unhappily.

"No worries John, talk to you later."

John placed the phone back on the wall and walked slowly out the kitchen. With his head down and heart broken, Brian spoke to him. "Actually John a party is a good idea, I can invite many producers, studio workers, and musicians that'll help you get your name out there."

"I don't care. I'm going to bed." John sauntered up the stairs.

"What's the matter John?" Brian asked while sitting on his couch.

"Just tired, I haven't gotten used to the time difference yet."

"Well get some rest, I'm going to invite a lot of people to the party so you need to make a good impression."

"Sod off." John said under his breath.


Paul walked back to his bed, his mind all over the place. He wanted to talk to John but he was still upset with him. Paul told John he loved him, and John didn't say it back. And now John wants to act like everything is fine. At least that's what Paul thought.

Paul couldn't fall back asleep, his mind didn't stop thinking about John. How he missed him, how he wanted him emotionally and physically, how he loved him more than anything. It crushed his soul when he watched John drive off, not knowing if John really loved him.


"John! John wake up!" John slowly opened his eyes to see Brian shaking him aggressively.

"Alright! I'm up!" John stumbled out of bed and rubbed his eyes, "Why the hell did you wake me up!" John questioned in a gravelly voice.

"It's almost time for the party. You need to get dressed." Brian smiled as he walked out John's room.

After a few seconds, Brian peeked his head back in and said while smirking , "Your bed head is adorable."  Then he left again.

John furrowed his brows, not knowing how to respond to that comment.

He turned his head to find his clock show the numbers 8:47 PM. "It feels like 4am" John groaned.

As he began to get dressed and ready for the party, John could hear guest enter the house.

John decided to wear his usual black trousers with a plain white shirt. He combed his hair different than his usual greased back look. This time he combed his hair to the front and then and there the mop-top was born.

He slowly walked down the stairs to find the whole entire house to be filled with people. It was loud and John got anxious.

He quickly tried to find Brian, the only person he knew there. Soon after looking for what felt like hours, he found him sitting and chatting to a young man.

"John! There you are!" Brian sat up and walked towards John, handing him a drink.

"You couldn't have worn something a little nicer? Hair looks good though, I like it." Brian whispered in John's ear.

"Jim! Come here, let me introduce you to a good friend of mine." Brian walked with his arm around John.

John looked very uncomfortable, he felt miserable around these loud, new people.

He missed his home. He missed Mimi and her voice when she would yell at John. He missed the little fish and chips shop that he and his mates would always eat at.

He missed Paul.

"John, this is Jim Morrison. He's in a band called The Doors. They aren't too popular now but I bet you they will be soon!" Brian laughed happily as did Jim.

"Nice to meet you, best of luck." John turned on his heel and walked away.

Brian walked back towards John and placed his hand on his shoulder. "John I know something's wrong."

"This was a stupid idea. I don't like it here. I want to go home." John jerked his shoulder to get Brian's hand off of him.

John ran back up the stairs and slammed the door shut. The loud sound caused all the guest to look up at the door in shock.

Brian calmed all the guest down and they went back to drinking and socializing. He followed John's footsteps and entered into his room gently.

"John I-"

"Fuck off Brian. I want to be alone." John said as he cut Brian off.

Brian ambled to the bed and sat down beside John who had his head in his hands. Brian placed his hand on John's back and rub it up and down reassuringly.

"I know it's tough. Moving to a new place, being around new people, not being close to loved ones. But it takes patience. You'll like it here." Brian tried to comfort John, he hated seeing him so upset.

After a few moments of silence, Brian spoke up. "John? You alright?"

"I wanna sleep." John mumbled while his head was still in his hands.

Brian softly laughed too himself.

"Alright John, I'll leave you alone." Brian got up from the bed and John let his body loose. He sunk into the bed and immediately went to sleep.

"Tomorrow you can call Paul, make sure to call him in the morning. Since there's a time difference."

John answered by grumbling.

"Hopefully you don't call him. Hopefully you fall out of love with him. Because I want you John." Brian said under his breath, John not hearing a word he said.

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