Of course it was a slasher and it was some realistic looking gore at that.
I was mentally screaming at the protagonist, they were death and there were so many scenes where she was so close to dying. I had to squeeze one of the sofa cushions to channel the tension building.

I noticed a few times that Soviet was looking back at all the most scariest or tension filled scenes to see my reaction.

He'll be disappointed with me though because I never gave a reaction and he seemed slightly confused at the end of the film.

"You handled really well for saying you no like slasher horror." Soviet said.

Did he put that on to purposefully scare me? Asking a question like that, I swear.

"No I didn't." I say, looking at him.

He raises an eyebrow at me.

"We are in a cabin in the woods... that was in a house in the woods... do you have any idea what mindset you just put me in?" I ask to Soviet, squeezing the small sofa pillow I still hug with my fingertips.

"Ah... yeah." Soviet says like he just realises it.

"I'm not good with horror movies..." I mutter. "I think I am until I actually watch them."

"You shouldn't be scared." Soviet says.

"I can't control my fear." I reply.

"That's a good point but not what I meant." Soviet says and slightly shakes his head.

"What?" I ask. "Why shouldn't I be scared then?"

"Because I'll protect you." Soviet says with a smile.

I squeeze the pillow almost ten times harder at that response, slightly burying my face into it.
This time not out of fear, however.

My stomach is doing flips again.

"Th-Thanks." I mutter, I hate how I just stuttered.

"You must be scared with that stutter." Soviet jokes.

"Shut up."
I'm glad he took it that way, but it still annoys me.

"I'm sure you would be fine. You seem smart, like girl in film." Soviet says.

"What? So I'm the brains and you're the muscle?" I ask in a jokingly sarcastic way.

"Oh? You think I've got muscles?~" Soviet teases.

What the—
I said that didn't I?
Oh shoot,
Oh shoot,
Oh shoot,
The way he said that too...
You liked it.
No I didn't!
Don't deny it.
I'm not. Just shut up for once dumb brain...

"N-No!" Why do I have to stutter. "I never said that it's just... how the line is usually delivered!"

"I'm pretty sure depending on whom speak to the delivery could be different." Soviet says.

"Yeah well, I invented English—or it at least originated in my country—so I'm pretty sure I know what I'm saying." I say in annoyance.

Met In The Snow-Countryhumans Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora