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Beautiful Mess11 | Just comeAntoine

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Beautiful Mess
11 | Just come

( the world cup has ended now )

I couldn't possibly describe the feeling that overcame me, we had won the world cup! My team was over the moon as well as I, we were busy celebrating inside the changing room shouting and screaming throwing our hands up in the air. The trophy was ours now, we were the champions.

I couldn't help but think of Melody as we were inside celebrating, she must've been just as excited that our team had won. I knew I'd see her after we left the changing room, we were all going out to celebrate our big win. I quickly got showered and ready to leave when Paul stopped me.

"How you feeling man?" He asked as I picked up my duffle bag.

"I can't even describe it, I'm over the moon."

"What are you doing now? Are you coming with us or what?"

"Of course I'm coming, the guys are coming as well."

"Great! I'll see you there then." I nodded opening the door to walk out, most the guys had already left searching for their wives and kids before leaving for the party.

"Antoine!" I heard a voice break out behind me, I turned around seeing Melody running up towards me.

She quickly wrapped her arms around me squeezing me tightly which almost made me lose my balance. My duffel bag dropped on the floor as I processed what was happening, I quickly wrapped my arms around hers returning the hug.

"You won! we won!" She beamed.

"We did it!"

She pulled back much to my dismay before looking me in the eyes, "I was looking for you, I didn't know if you had left already or not but I found you."

"Why what's up?" I asked quickly.

"Oh no! nothing, sorry I just meant I was looking for you to congratulate you." She chuckled slightly, a smile grew on my lips.

It was then I quickly remembered we both still had our arms wrapped around each other, she didn't make any movement to pull out and neither did I. We stood there in the middle of the tunnels with no one around just staring at each other.

"I- um I'll see you at the club." She broke the silence pulling her arms away from me, I frowned slightly but quickly recomposed myself.

"I'll see you there." I muttered before walking towards the parking lot.


"Hey man! You made it!" Paul shouted as I walked up to him inside the club.

It wasn't very packed, but the whole team was here celebrating alongside Koke and Fernando who managed to sneak in and celebrate with us.

"Of course! Come on let's get a drink." We made our way to the bar ordering our respective drinks till a hand hit my shoulder.

I turned around seeing Koke with a huge smile plastered on his face, "Man of the match! how are you feeling?"

"Great! Well way more than great I can't even put it into words."

"Drinks on me let's go!" He quickly ordered a round of shots for us which were downed in a matter of seconds.

After at least 3 shots in my system, I wasn't no where near drunk but my mind slowly started wondering to Melody. Was she here yet? If so, where was she because I haven't seen her yet. Koke downed a fourth shot and sat down on the stool beside me ordering a beer, I chuckled slightly at the state in front of me.

"Have you seen Fernando? I lost him when I came to the bar."

"No I haven't seen him."

As if on cue I caught Fernando in the corner of my eye with Melody by his side walking towards, I suddenly sat up straighter on the stool and waited for them to reach us.

"Hey! Man of the match how you doing?" She asked before wedging herself in between my stool and Koke's.

"I'm doing great, how about you my biggest fan?" I teased, a laugh escaped her lips as she threw her head back slightly.

"She's also great." She turned over to the bartender ordering her drink.

"How does it feel?" She asked turning back over to face me.

"Surreal, we almost had our chance at the Euros and now to actually win—" I paused for a second searching my brain for a word, "It's incredible."

"I can only imagine the feeling." She smiled, I found myself beginning to love the way in which she smiles. It's unreal, it's definitely contagious because a smile crept on my lips too.

"Yeah it's pretty amazing."


After a few hours at the club we were all slightly tipsy, some more than others. We were in the middle of the dance floor laughing at Koke's ridiculous dance moves, Melody quickly joined in coping his moves and soon we were all laughing at the pair.

She seemed to be having a good time, letting herself go dancing in the club with Koke and I merely sat back watching the show. No one could contain their laughter when Koke hit the dance floor, he was practically drunk and making a fool of himself but that's made it all so entertaining for us.

Melody pulled away running over to where I was sat, "I need a drink." She sighed and plopped down beside me.

I handed her mine which she quickly downed, "Thanks, remind me to get you another one."

"There's no need." I chuckled, she sunk down more into the seat.

"All the copying Koke's dance moves really tired me out." She sighed.

"You were way better than him." I chuckled, she looked over at me laughing.

"Of course I was, look at him!"

"Is he always like this?" She asked keeping her eyes on his ridiculous dancing.

"Pretty much, that's just the way he is."

"I love it!" She chuckled.

Before I could even say anything Koke came running over to us, his face dropped slightly and he looked startled.

"Melody you need to come with me right now." He said grabbing her hand.

She looked confused at his sudden change of demeanour.

"What why?" He didn't say anything but lifted her up from the chair.

"Just come." She looked back at me before walking away with Koke.


hey! here's an update! i didn't read through so hopefully there's not too many mistakes, but enjoy!

Beautiful Mess | Antoine GriezmannWhere stories live. Discover now