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Beautiful Mess08 | Chocolate and pistachio Antoine

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Beautiful Mess
08 | Chocolate and pistachio

Thankfully it was looking like it was going to be a beautiful day today in Moscow and all of us were eager to get out and explore the city we were in. Most of us had never been before to Moscow before except for Koke who, much to our dismay, wanted to be our tour guide.

"Is everyone ready?" Koke yelled in the middle of the reception to all of us surrounding him, I gave him a stern look which he was quick to ignore.

"Pretty sure the people in the elevator heard you yell." Melody chuckles, I quickly glanced towards her on my side as her face lit up.

She looked happy today, she seemed off last night when we arrived and was quick to say goodnight and head straight to her room. No one seemed to notice yet I realised how quick she disappeared and how Fernando avoided even saying a word to her. It didn't take much for me to figure out they must've had some sort of falling out.

"Come on then let's go!" Koke said guiding us all out the doors of the hotel, before we were even halfway out the door he stops all of us once again.

"Also, what do you guys want to do today?" He asked, no one responded until Melody did, "Shopping of course." She said in a duh tone.

"Does everyone agree?" Koke asked, everyone just nodded their heads causing a smile to creep on Melody's lips. "Let's go then!" Koke said, and for the second time we left the hotel.


The hotel was conveniently placed in the centre of Moscow and the walk towards the shopping area was short, Koke was causing laughter to erupt from all of us at how he kept trying to act like our tour guide.

"We made it!" He yelled once again as we walked inside taking in what was in front of us, it was massive filled with all the high end fashion brands.

"Okay so I made a whole list, I think we should split up and then meet back here in a few hours—" He stopped checking the time on his watch, "It's ten right now, let's meet back at like two?"

"Sounds good to me." Filipe said, Fernando agreed and Melody simply nodded her head.

We all started going our separate ways finding all the stores we wanted to visit, I wasn't one to shop much but seeing as I was stuck here for the next few hours I might as well make the most of it.

Instinctively I saw the Puma store and walked in quickly seeing things that were catching my eye, I was looking at all the new tracksuits they had until I felt a hand on my shoulder.

I turned around seeing Fernando beside me, "What's up?" I asked stopping what I was doing.

"Nothing, I saw you come in here figured you would actually." He rambled, I nodded my head agreeing with him.

"Is there something wrong?" I asked as I noticed he wanted to say something but instead he was standing in front of me lost.

"Is there something going on with you and Mellie?" He quickly blurted out, I jerked my head back slightly confused for his sudden question.


"You heard me." I looked at him bewildered, what was he on about?

"No there's not, why?"

"Okay, good enjoy your shopping." He said before he quickly retracted and left the store leaving me wide eyed.

Why would Fernando burst out with something like that? I had the lost the urge to stand her going through the clothes when I left the store myself, I was frankly annoyed at the way he'd just come out with that. I sighed as I continued walking through the centre, I noticed Melody going into a store when I started making my way towards her.

"Hey there stranger." I smiled greeting her, she turned out facing me smiling.

"Hey, have you finished your shopping?" She asked running her hands through a pile of clothes.

I shook my head, "Not really." I quickly replied, she nodded her head and I continued following her through the store.

"Do you think this would look nice on me?" She asked holding up a red blouse, she looked indecisive staring at the material in front of her.

"I bet it would, why not try it on?" I suggested, she nodded and led me towards the changing rooms.

I stood outside the door leaning against the wall waiting for her to try on the blouse, it didn't take long until she door swung open and she turned out for me to see the blouse on her. My eyes widened slightly, the blouse seemed to fit her perfectly accenting every part of her.

"So...? What do you think?"

"It looks amazing on you, definitely buy it." I said, she smiled looking down at her feet clearly trying to avoid looking at me with the growing tint on her cheeks. She muttered a thank you before closing the door and dressing herself again.

"Okay I'll buy it." She said after having dressed herself again and leaving the changing room.

I followed closely behind as she made her way towards the till holding the blouse, as the line kept moving I waited for her to pay so we could leave the store together. Once she had paid she joined again and we left the store chatting away about how she thought the blouse was a good buy, I chuckled having told her so.

"Do you want ice cream? I saw a place earlier which looked really good?" She suggested as we reached the food court of the shopping place.

"Lets go!" I said, she looped her arm around mine and guided through all the people towards the ice cream place.

I looked down at the way we were walking, she casually slipped her arm through mine and I had no time to react. She must've just wanted to get us there quicker and this was simply a friendly act and I reading too much into it. As we were walking towards the place I could hear Fernando's words humming at the back of my head, I tried ignoring it but it just got closer and louder.

"Here we are! Ah just look at all those flavours." She said looking at the array of mixtures spread out in front of us. I smiled seeing her joy spread on her face as she scanned what flavours she could possibly get.

"See I'm not the biggest fan of chocolate ice cream but it looks really good, but I also really want the pistachio ice cream." She said. Before she could even continue she stopped looking embarrassed suddenly, "Crap, you're probably wondering what the hell is wrong with me rambling on like this."

"No it's fine don't stop, I like hearing you ramble, even if it's about what ice cream flavours to get." I smiled widely at her, she returned it and continued deciding what she wanted.

I quickly moved in front of her deciding what flavours I wanted and waited at the till until she'd finally picked what she wanted. She was about to pull out her wallet when I was quick to stop her, "On me." I said and managed to pay for both ice creams before she could object.

"Thank you, you didn't have to." She smiled at me the red creeping upon her cheeks.

"Oh please don't worry about it, after all it took a total of fifteen minutes for you to pick chocolate and pistachio." I said laughing, she laughed alongside me and we proceeded to eat our ice creams.


Hey! sorry for not updating in such a long time, but school has literally taken over my life.
I didn't read through this so excuse any mistakes, and it's a bad chapter sorry!

Beautiful Mess | Antoine GriezmannWhere stories live. Discover now