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Beautiful Mess09 | That was for youMelody

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Beautiful Mess
09 | That was for you

"Ready to support the best national team?" Antoine said placing his arm around me, I looked up smiling at him.

"Can't you see I've got my Griezmann shirt on? I'm ready to support my team."

"Good, look out for me." He said, I struggled the keep my neck up looking at him. He was much taller than me surprisingly, I looked up into his eyes growing more and more mesmerised by the minute until Fernando came and interrupted us.

"Hey what are you guys doing?" He said placing his hand on the arm.

Antoine was quick to remove his arm from around my neck and turned his body sideways facing away from Fernando. Was I missing something or did it seem as though they were mad at each other?

"Nothing." I was quick to reply, I still wasn't on the best of speaking terms with him and frankly didn't want to entertain any conversation with him.

"Didn't seem like nothing, you guys looked very cosy." He said, Antoine turned back around glaring at Fernando disgusted.

"Whatever." I replied rolling my eyes, "Anyways good luck and I'll see you guys at the stadium." Antoine nodded and began walking away.

I didn't want to stand around Fernando any longer so I took it upon myself to leave, it wasn't until I barely made one step that I felt his hand wrap around my arm.

I looked up at him confused, "What are you doing?" I asked.

"Why did you talk to me like that? Are you angry at me?"

"It doesn't matter, now I don't want to be late so let go." His hand quickly detached itself from my arm and I began walking away.

It was France playing against Germany today and tensions were high, I was anxious already and I hadn't even made my way to the stadium yet. I was waiting for Koke so we could leave together but he was taking his sweet time. I grabbed my phone out of my bag and searched for his number, I pressed on his contact and waited for him to pick up the phone.

"Hey? Where are you?" I asked as he picked up the phone.

"I'm coming I'm coming, I'm almost downstairs." He screamed into the phone, I chuckled and hung up as I waited for him to appear.

A tap on my shoulder brought me out of my thoughts as I turned to see Koke smiling widely at me. I smiled back and we left the hotel ready to get to the stadium.


"Oh come on!" I screamed as more than a thousand voices screamed beside me, "You saw that foul right?!" I turned to Koke, he nodded his head not pleased with the way the match was going on.

Germany were currently in the lead with 1-1 and the atmosphere in the stadium was so tense as the match was nearing the end. I could see Antoine running with everything he had trying to get the ball into his possession, I started feeling anxious seeing the French team struggling until Pogba managed to steal the ball of a German player. The crowd became wild cheering with all they had as Paul ran with the ball, he passed it onto Antoine and he made the winning goal.

I screamed at the top of my lungs as Koke started celebrating beside me, he grabbed me and twirled me around as our boy Antoine had made the winning goal. I watched as he did one his famous Fortnite celebration dances, I could barely contain the smile plastered on my face as the French team went wild with joy.


I ran down into the tunnels with Koke attempting to find the French team changing room, once we managed to find it the team started coming out slowly until Antoine finally came out.

I ran up to him hugging him tightly and congratulating him on the win, "Well done, doing our country proud!" I said, he smiled widely at me as he let go of me.

"Well done my man! What a goal!" Koke chimed in, we all stood in the middle of the tunnels. They both began talking about tactics and football things that I wouldn't understand.

I stood with my back pressed against the wall as they continued chatting away until they finally stopped, turning around remembering I was there.

"So...whose hungry?" Koke said, I shook my head chuckling.

"Let's go eat then." Antoine said grabbing his duffel bag of the floor, I took myself off the wall and we all left the tunnels.

I got into Koke's car as Antoine went into his and trailed behind us as we started the drive to the restaurant Koke had chosen. I was sat scrolling through my phone as the radio music filled the car, a message popped up on my phone as I checked seeing Fernando's name on my screen.

Fernando: Hey, can we talk? Where are you?

I scanned the message over a couple of times before deciding I didn't feel like replying. A conversation with him would end up in an argument and I frankly did not have the energy for it. I locked my phone placing it in my pocket as we neared the restaurant, "Here we are!" Koke said excited to finally get in and eat.

I got out of the car as Antoine parked right beside us, as he got out he ruffled his hair to the side walking over to us. He smiled widely at me as we began walking into the restaurant, Koke as usual began rambling on about all the food he would eat and how hungry he was.

We all sat down at our table at the back of the restaurant away from the sea of people and enjoyed each other's company.

"I'd like to propose a toast—" Koke picked up his glass, "To Antoine for scoring the winning goal."

"Thank you amigo, much appreciated." We all raised our glasses and toasted.

The rest of the night flew by and we all enjoyed each other's company, we ate and drank and laughed at all of Koke's crazy stories. I felt at peace with my closest friends surrounding me, I didn't allow myself to dwell on Fernando's frantic mood changes. I smiled as Antoine began calling Koke crazy and sat back allowing them to continue talking away.

a/n: hey sorry taking sooo long to update, i've just lost the motivation.
here's a quick update, sorry it's so bad. i haven't read through to check for mistakes.
enjoy :)

Beautiful Mess | Antoine GriezmannWhere stories live. Discover now