Chapter 18 Those Under

Start from the beginning

He waited till they addressed him, another custom from his home seen as polite. He bowed, placing three fingers across his chest and bending down to one knee. He decided to act humble and complacent with events. If he's lucky, he can be closer to her and be in her favor to demand possibly more than the previous Prime Noctum offered. No, she should die, burn for her misdeeds. Just how, though?

"You are Amond of Culband," her cool voice washed over him. That sing-songy accent is common near the most southern of the outlands.

"Yes, my lady," he spoke in level tones.

"You were the advisor just before the war, am I correct? You secured many artifacts that decorate his chambers now," her voice seemed uninterested, but he was sure to be cautious with his words.

"Yes, I have, my lady. But now I serve you. My blood is yours, my knife yours," he bowed, even deeper than before. In return, all he heard was a snort from Atalanta, hefting her spear over her shoulder. She even made that sound elegant.

"Little backbone, as predicted," her voice was rough and filled with amused mockery. "Well then, be glad you were sent to the territories. If you were here, I doubt you would have survived. Either joining those rebellions or betraying your kind. At least we know your alignment now."

He ground his teeth in silence, wishing to bite back at her, but knew that any ill word would only ruin his position as is. "It was not my place. I serve only the throne."

"I see," Hecate's glowing eyes appeared to burrow into his soul. "You, among others, are motivated by greed. For those, I conditioned them to serve the light truly. But perhaps you can still serve it in other ways. We will need allies from the territories and your abilities as a mage."

"My . . . ability," he couldn't help the uncertainty bubble in his voice. "What do you mean, my lady?"

"Before leaving Torlak, you trained as a mage proficient with earth magic," she raised her staff to her side. "Specifically, you specialize in making golems and familiars, is that right?"

He hesitated. He had not disclosed any information on his learning in Torlak, ever. When he joined Talin, any knowledge of his life was secretive. Not anymore, it seems. "Yes, my lady."

She nodded in reassurance. "Show me an example. Now."

Her tone shifted. Instead of water washing over him, serene rocks suddenly fell with daggers atop them. He nearly stumbled back but stood instead. He took a deep breath, thinking deep in his mind about something that would impress her but not show her everything he was capable of. A familiar was no simple trick or anything quickly learned in the study. It was new magic formed from the study of necromancy. Using the souls of creatures, a mage found that a contract could be made to bind the spirit of that animal with its soul. This practice could also be used to imbue golems with life. But they could also be modified, which is where he focused on studying while in Torlak. He lifted his sleeves, revealing another one of these geometric tattoos, a series of circles and arcane signatures. He took a deep breath and then manipulated zoi, channeled it till he felt the presence of something within himself. He forced this thing, this other self, out. And from the tattoo billowed a cloud of black smoke. Two glowing purple eyes gleamed in solid shadow. That solid shadow formed, making out a lean body, a muzzle, and thick fur. Tufted ears and claws as long as daggers. Slightly larger than a wolf, but all the same features marred in darkness. It stood at attention, unblinking eyes towards the women, who seemed genuinely curious about it.

"What do you call him?" Hecate asked him, still holding her staff at her side. Atalanta's smile disappeared almost, but the amusement in her eyes stayed.

"Its name is Sheuta," he said. "He is a familiar that I created long ago. It can turn invisible and mask its presence even from those who can detect magic. I can even see through its eyes and speak through it as well."

She seemed to consider this. "A beast made for clandestine movements and reconnaissance. How interesting."

She stood then, making him even warier as she slowly marched down the steps. The soft clinging of her metal staff against the stone was unnerving and made him step back as she moved closer to the familiar. Her eyes shone even brighter, no trick of the light. More like two orange stars now looking upon the darkness. Sensing its master's unease, it crouched down and growled at her, but she did not notice. She walked with such confidence that she might as well be approaching a kitten. She held her hand out towards its muzzle, uncaring for its bared teeth, and placed a firm hand between its eyes. Suddenly, its entire body lurched. The same as Amond. His back arched as he felt a searing pain in his arm. He looked down to see the tattoo burning, worst than how it was applied. When the pain finally stopped, or at least dulled, the place where the tattoo was drawn was now bare and raw with pain. He lifted his head to look back at her. Sheuta also stopped shuddering, as still as she was. Hecate lifted her arm to observe a tattoo precisely the same as his own. The purple eyes were now orange and appeared more like flame than smoke.

"What . . ." he worked moisture back in his mouth. He can't remember if he screamed or not. "What have you done?"

"Interesting," she spoke as if he was not there. "Simple enough spell to replicate. Very well then. Amond, your first task be to create three hundred of them. You have the resources of Talin at your disposal, but you have a month to prepare. For any familiar you can not create, two golems must be prepared instead. Is that understood?"

He could barely comprehend her words. He felt as if his ears were going to burn off, and his fists were balled against his sides. "How dare you, witch. This is not yours to take. I have worked for years to finalize such magic. You can not take that away."

Without thinking, he raised his hands. Perhaps being buried under tons of stone will make Hecate repent, make her sorry she ever met him. Not all catacombs will fall, but enough to destroy whatever she had and held close perhaps as long as they died. But as he placed his hand on the ground, making the tattoo of his hand contact the earth, nothing happened. He felt no flow of magic around him like just a moment ago. His eyes bulged as he looked up, the glow of her eyes trained on him and the hostile stare of Atalanta. Somehow she did this, but how? He had never heard of a mage taking the power of another away. He took a cautious step back as Hecate walked closer to him now.

"Fool," Atalanta sneered but did not move. Mock pity lined her face. "A dog who does not know his place or circumstance."

"You will learn," Hecate's voice somehow became colder than it was. She held a hand towards his face as she still smoothly walked across the room. "You will learn."

He unsheathed a knife he had at his belt. A mage he was, but he knew mages were not so adept in fighting. He wasn't himself, and throwing the knife was the closest he got to actual physical combat. The knife sailed towards her chest, a fatal wound if landed correctly. Even those cursed doctors could not heal such an injury. But just before it was a pace from her, it was suddenly snatched away by her free hand. Incredulity was plain on his face, with panic now, as he turned to run. But before he was even half-turned, the doors that seemed too damaged to even move closed shut, as good as new. He pounded against the door, yelling, but no sound escaped that chamber. IT stayed silent for more and more. Screaming fading away into nothing. And then there was no scream. 

     Just Silence

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