Rosinante sighed as he took out the remaining cigarette butt from his mouth, a small bit of smoke leaked from his lips as he turned to the boy.

Sopping wet, covered in many wounds. Rosinante wondered why the boy didn’t try to swim. He seemed to have the energy, but it was like the sea was preventing him from swimming.

Did he eat a Devil Fruit of some kind?

The blonde remember from Sengoku’s reports that the unnamed Shichibukai would make ‘special’ kids who met a certain set of requirements eat a Devil Fruit to make them unbeatable soldiers.

Could this boy be one of those kids?

The boy was curled in on himself, out cold. His wounds needed to be treated immediately, but Rosinante knew that he would need Doflamingo’s permission to bring the boy on his ship. Doflamingo was the Captain of the Donquixote Pirates, the group Rosinante was undercover in.

He had a charade of being mute, since he hardly talked after he witnessed Doflamingo kill their father. His own Devil Fruit, the Nagi Nagi no Mi, helped him with his charade. His personality had even changed to keep his secret.

He ‘hated’ kids, so how would Doflamingo react to Rosinante risking his life to save one?

With a heavy sigh, Rosinante pulled off his dark red hood and raked a hand through his wet, short blonde hair.

Why do difficult things always seem to land on my shoulders?

“Corazon,” a deep voice snapped Rosinante from his thoughts. He jumped a bit on the crate he sat on, that was on the shore of the island, as his head shot up to who called his alias.

Rosinante’s, or Corazon’s, reddish-brown eyes landed on a tall figure dressed in pink flamboyant clothes. They had light blonde hair, similar to Corazon. The wore a large, bright pink feather coat that hung from their shoulders.

Doflamingo, Corazon thought.

Doflamingo’s eyes narrowed at Corazon from under his pair of red, oddly framed sunglasses. Corazon nervously looked up at Doflamingo as Doflamingo’s head turned to the figure that was curled up beside Corazon.

“What is that?” Doflamingo asked, flicking a finger in the boy’s direction. Corazon looked at the boy again, noticing how his wet, raven-black hair stuck to his pale face.

The boy was only in a pair of black jeans and a torn, white, bloodstained tunic. The tunic’s rips were in the shapes of lashes from a whip, which would explain the blood and some of the boy’s wounds.

“Well?” Doflamingo pressured after not receiving an answer from Corazon. Corazon blinked back to reality as he scanned his coat for a sheet of paper. His feather coat matches Doflamingo’s, but instead of a bright pink colour it was a dark, blackish-purple.

Corazon scribbled a quick message onto the sheet: It’s a boy, Doflamingo read to himself, I found him like this. After Doflamingo finished reading, he settled his gaze on Corazon.

“Why are you wet?”

Corazon froze as he tried to think up an answer. “He probably tripped, Doffy-sama! You know how clumsy Cora-san is!” The drawling voice of Trebol, one of Doflamingo’s executive officers said.

Standing behind Doflamingo, was the hunchback form of Trebol. He wore a blue overcoat that hid his slim, deformed body as he leaned on his golden cane.

Doflamingo looked over his shoulder at Trebol before turning back to Corazon. “Is that true? Did you happen to trip?” Not wanting to explain a lie, Corazon quickly nodded.

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