Chapter 6: Second Chances

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Harumi's POV

     The plan was simple. We would get into the chosen building after the demons searched it, pour the tea over the second floor (that was where the energy beam hit every building), and jump through the portal that the tea created before we were disintegrated or fell into the chasm.

      It was simple. It was something that required quick feet and a steady mind. I was with a trained ninja and an Oni. I should be ready. I should feel confident. All I could see was the fire of the chasm, mocking our escape. If we failed, then there would be no more chances.

     Mistake, Morro, and I were all crouched on a rooftop. The mega-demon was only five buildings away from us. We watched it as it picked up the structure in front of it. The demons swarmed through the building, taking everyone they found in chains. Then, the mega-demon destroyed the building with a burst of energy coming from the crystal in its head.

      Dirt and grime covered our faces as the debris went everywhere. Well, it covered Morro and my faces. Mistake's somehow stayed clean. The heat of the chasm came closer with the mega-demon's move towards the next building, making the waiting unbearably hot. The streets crumbled beneath the mega-demon, destroying more of the Departed City. Screams filled the air as the debris fell below, so loud it felt like that their sole purpose was to tear apart my eardrums. Despite the intense heat, the even more intense yells of the tortured, and the looming doom ahead, we all stayed in position.

     Waiting was unbearable. Every second was another second where my pulse would speed up, despite my desperate efforts to stay calm. The fear of the looming chasm was too strong to vanquish; the fear of dying a second death too heartbreaking to pretend away. I broke out in a cold sweat while the mega-demon destroyed the current building it was holding. One more building and then it was time for our plan to go into action.

     "If you two have any final words to say, now's the time," Mistake hissed towards us, her voice low even though demons couldn't hear. She was probably wanting us to make up for our little argument earlier, but I wouldn't budge until Morro got on his knees and begged. I had spent too much time during life learning to say mean things and not regret them to apologize now. It was Morro who struck first anyway. I shouldn't care about him.

      Her voice caught at the end of her statement, like she was just as afraid as we were. Luckily for us, the demons that were close to us were too concerned with the scent of fear coming from inside the buildings. For now, we were safe.

      Morro looked at me sideways. I met his dark green eyes. His were filled with several emotions, so many I couldn't tell what he was feeling. The moment gave me a case of déjà vu.

     It was like the way Lloyd and I locked eyes when we fell through the sky after Samauri X grabbed me and flew off the Bounty. It was like the way we locked eyes before he said, "You said the greatest villain was the one who got away. Then what am I?" It was like the way we locked eyes before I died.

     Why did I always seem to lock eyes with someone before something life-changing happened?

     Morro turned away, not saying anything. He looked almost... guilty. I squared my shoulders, refusing to let myself feel anything. I wasn't going to apologize to him. He was an arrogant peasant who thought he knew what was best for anyone. If anyone should be changing, it was him.

     I turned to Mistake. "Thank you for helping us." It felt necessary to thank her, even if my words were curt.

     She nodded slightly at my words, though I knew those weren't the ones she wanted to hear. "I have hope for you, Quiet One."

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