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"Gentlemen, ladies,open your text to page twenty-one of the introduction. Mr Perry, will you read the opening paragraph of the preface, entitled 'Understanding Poetry'?" Mr Keating exclaimed in his usual energetic, chirpy voice.

"Understanding Poetry, by Dr. J. Evans Pritchard, Ph.D. To fully understand poetry, we must first be fluent with its meter, rhyme, and figures of speech." Neil's voice was monotonous and bored while reading the paragraph while the rest of the class wasn't any better.

Juno was already slowly dosing off when she felt a pair of eyes watching her. The stare was intense but yet passionate, it intrigued Juno in more ways than one. She turned her head to see Charlie staring at her from the corner of his eye while his head was still facing his desk.

Juno's face went a bright red, almost brighter then Meeks's hair.

"Then ask two questions: One, how artfully has the objective of the poem been rendered, and two, how important is that objective."

Meeks looked over to his right where Dixie sat. She was lazily playing with the pencil in her hand, droning out whatever Neil was saying at that point.

Meeks found himself staring for longer then what was deemed necessary.

These past few days were confusing for the boy as all he could really think about was Dixie.

He found himself thinking about her before going to bed and while studying when his mind would wonder, it immediately thought about her.

It scared Meeks that he could be feeling such emotions for someone he met a few months ago.

The strong pull to her was what the book's described love to be.

Strong and hypnotic but yet you don't realise you are in too deep until the right moment.

Dixie was not who he imagined his type would be. He thought he would like someone more like Luna but he just fell fast for Dixie.

Maybe it was her more care free, anything goes personality that made him admire her.

Although reasoning unclear, what was clear was the fact that Meeks was staring at her for far far too long.

"Why don't you take a photo Steven? Maybe it will last longer." Dixie whispered just loud enough for Meeks to hear.

The poor boy was so embarrassed that he wanted to jump out of the classroom window and dig himself a hole to crawl into.

"Excrement. That's what I think of Mr. J.Evans Pritchard. We're not laying pipe, we're talking about poetry." Mr Keating's cheerful voice rang into the ears of the students making them sit up straighter and more awake.

"Now I want you to rip out that page."

Luna's eyes were so wide they looked like they could pop out of her skull. "He has officially gone mad."

Juno smiled to herself and slowly tore the thin piece of paper away from its spine with a satisfying rip.

Juno held the page out like a trophy and looked over to Charlie with a proud smile. Charlie smirked back and tore out his page with no hesitation.

"Thank you Mr Dalton, Miss Clarence.Ladies and gentlemen, tell you what, don't just tear out that page, tear out the entire introduction. I want it gone, history. Leave nothing of it. Rip it out. Rip! Begone J. Evans Pritchard, Ph.D. Rip, shred, tear. Rip it out. I want to hear nothing but ripping of Mr Pritchard." Mr Keating had a thrill in his voice that persuaded the rest of the class to start aggressively rip out their books.

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