𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓽𝔀𝓸

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Dixie nervously knocked on the door of their dorm neighbour. "It's open." Answered a voice from the other side of the door.

Upon entering the room, there were much more than just two boys. Five to be exact. The boys looked as if they were seeing aliens, completely clueless how to approach them.

Juno cleared her throat to advert the attention to her. "Do any of you have cigarettes?" Juno said Cooley. The blonde haired boy who was lying on the bed nodded and sat up handing the girls one.

"I'm Charlie Dalton, what about you sweetheart?" The boy said with a smirk, facing Juno.

Juno's face fell and she glared at Charlie. "Juno Clarence." She leaned back and stood closer to her friends further away from Charlie.

As the girls were passing around the lighter, a small,scrawny,freckled, red headed boy who was sitting closest to them held out his hand. "I'm Steven Meeks." The four girls smiled at the politeness of Steven.

He was a far cry from Charlie.

"I'm Dion Danburry." Dion greeted with a soft smile. The boys eyes widen with the mention of her last name. "Danburry? As in Chet Danburry?" Asked a boy sitting at the corner who had sandy hair. Dion nodded in response fighting the urge to roll her eyes.

"Let's just hope your nothing like him. I'm Knox Overstreet by the way." Dion's mind clicked at the mention of his last name. "Overstreet? My parents are friends with the Overstreets"

Knox laughed lightly and nodded his head. "Ya they are my parents." Dion smiled and took a good look at Knox. He wasn't bad looking actually. Not at all.

Light knocks were heard from the other side of the door. The teens quickly disposed of their cigarettes as Neil the boy actually stayed in the dorm yelled, "It's open."

A middle aged man with a stern look on his face walked into the room. "Father, I thought you'd gone." Said Neil as his bright smile faded.

"Mr Perry." All the boys greeted sheepishly. The four girls slightly bowing as a greeting.

"You may keep your seats fellows and ladies, keep your seats," Mr Perry started giving each of them a forced smile. "Neil, I've just spoken to Mr. Nolan. I think that you're taking too many extra curricular activities this semester, and I've decided that you should drop the school annual."

Neil started to retort by explaining that he was the assistant director that year.

The tension in the room so thick, you'll be able to cut it with a knife.

"Fellas, ladies, would you please excuse us for a moment." Spat Mr Perry clearly trying to compose his anger.

As the pair walk out of the room, Luna, clearly disturbed was the first to break the silence. "Does that happen often?"

The boys nod. Knox, Charlie and Meeks waiting for Mr Perry to finish lecturing his son. Todd, Neil's roommate, although quiet, was worried for Neil too.

After a while, Mr Perry's voice died out and he left, heading for the carpark. All of them except for Todd stepped out of the room.

"Why doesn't he let you do what you want?" Asked Dixie, concerned for her new friend. "Ya Neil, tell him off. It couldn't get any worse." Suggested Knox jokingly.

Neil chuckled bitterly, "Oh, that's rich. Like you guys tell your parents off, Mr.Future Lawyer."

The seven of them sighing at Neil's comment, knowing it was true. "Okay, so I don't like it any more than you do." Charlie snickered, a smile not leaving his face.

Juno rolled her eyes at Charlie taking a strong dislike to the boy. "So what are you going to do?"

Neil dropped his head in defeat, "What I have to do, drop the annual." Charlie patted Neil on the shoulder, " Well I wouldn't lose much sleep over it. It's just a bunch of jerks trying to impress Nolan."

"I don't care. I don't care about any of it." Said Neil, clearly lying through his teeth.

"So Latin in my room at eight? Study group." The boys nod in agreement. "Can I come? I'm shit when it comes to Latin." Chuckled Dixie. The boys agreed. "We'll tag along, after all, you boys seem nice enough" declared Juno.

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