𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓯𝓸𝓾𝓻

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"Come on! Hurry up! That means you too Dalton." Barked their coach peeking his head into the boys showers. The girls had their own showers which were built for them with more private stalls, working locks and higher walls to avoid any unwanted law suits from coming in.

After changing out of gym clothes,the four girls departed from their group of girls to meets their new group of friends.

"Lookin' good Dalton." Juno jokingly looked up and down wolf whistling at him, mocking the boy's attempts at impressing her.

"You know it doll." Juno rolled her eyes after Charlie winked at her and went back to 'styling' his hair. Juno smirked. Luna made a hacking noise accompanied with vomiting motions showing her disgust for the scene she witnessed. Quickly getting into a conversation with Cameron.

"So is anyone up for study group tonight?" Questioned Meeks while drying his hair. Most of them agreed except for Knox and Dion. "We can't make it guys. We have to have dinner at the Danburry's house."

"My parents want to meet Knox for an internship or something and want me to visit." Explain Dion reapplying for burgundy lipstick.

"Well anything's better then the mystery meat at Hell-ton." Neil chuckled joining in the conversation. "With all that money and the food here is still shit." Scoffed Dixie, taking a seat next to Todd.

Todd was staring out the window not playing attention to anything the group was talking about or even Charlie and Cameron's petty fights.(Which were always a sight) he was always distant with the group and it made Dixie feel bad for him.

No matter how much they tried he just seemed to keep to himself.

"Hey you coming to study group tonight?" Asked Neil half naked with only a towel wrapped around his waist.

Todd became a stuttering mess and was even shyer then before if it was even possible. "No...I, um, need to do some History." He mumbled barley audible.

"You sure Todd? We can work together as a group. After all 10 minds are better then one." Nudged Dixie with a rather uncharacteristic soft smile. "But there are 11 of us."

"Cameron doesn't count."

Although it made the shy boy let out a dry laugh he still shook his head and insisted he didn't attend the study group. "Suit yourself."


"Ready Mr Overstreet? Miss Danburry?" Asked the ancient Dr Hager. "Yes sir."

Knox held the door open for Dion making her smirk at how much of a gentleman he was when he was around adults.

When they reached the Danburry household Dion was reluctant to get out of the car. She didn't want to meet her father Nor her brother again but here she was standing at her porch waiting for someone to answer the door.

"I'll get it!" The voice that came from inside the house was one that sounded familiar to Dion but yet she couldn't put her finger on who it was.

"Dion!" Exclaimed the beautiful blond girl who answered the door.

Immediately Dion recognised who it was .

It was Chet's long time girlfriend, Chris Noel.

"Hey Chris! Me and my friend Knox are just here to visit my-"but before Dion could finish her sentence a much older woman came up beside Chris. "Hello Dion dear!" The woman engulfed her daughter into a hug and welcomed Knox into the house.

Knox was staring at Chris and hadn't taken his eyes off of her since she answered the door. He's heart was pounding in his chest and he felt like melting into a puddle right then and there.

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