16. Save her

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Léni's Point of View

Emée. She was in my head constantly. Ever since she had been kidnapped, I had returned to the castle to give the alert.

It drove me crazy to see that I was the only one who cared. The future of the Alderia was at stake, an Angel was probably being mistreated and no royal was moving a muscle.

It had been two days since I last saw her at the demon castle. After arguing with King Rédi, I had managed to make him visit the royal demon court so we could ask about her or even see Emée.

King Rédi was as naive as an Angel. He couldn't see that Bali was using him to hide the whereabouts in her court.

Alexandre probably hadn't been informed of our visit since he stood there with Emée. Seeing her like that tore my heart, I was unable to do anything though I longed to take her in my arms and protect her from everything. Emée was standing beside that evil demon, head low and eyes down. She knew I was there and just like I couldn't look at her for too long, she couldn't look at me.

She wasn't at the reception afterwards and I had never been so grateful in my life for Alexandre to be not so stupid. By not bringing her, he increased the suspicions of her kidnapping. The fool got drunk just not to answer our questions!

With these proofs, I had convinced the King to let me lead a serious investigation on their supposed wedding. Now, I had been working for days to gather all the information I could on her and her relation to him. I felt a little bad at the idea of digging in her private information but I knew I couldn't leave a detail on the side.

With all those thoughts in my head and a reason to get out of bed, I started getting ready for another intense day.

I didn't bother to put on beautiful clothes, King Rédi wouldn't be happy about this but less ornaments meant no people bothering me in the corridors to talk to me so more time to look for Emée. A brown linen jacket and black pants would do.

This morning I had breakfast with the King and the counselors and I wasn't happy about it. He knew I was more than busy, that Emée was my only concern but the upcoming coronation was more important.

The truth was, the idea of being a king didn't appeal me anymore if she wasn't by my side.

I got out of my room and made my way to the living room we were required to go. I had only been there a few times, as it was rarely used. The room wasn't that big so it would bring us ridicule to use it for receptions and the wing it was in was far from everything.

I arrived in front of the door, a butler stood there waiting for the guests. The King was probably already inside. I greeted the hero with a nod of the head while he opened the simple door with wooden cravings. Sometimes, the excess of sophistication in this palace made me roll my eyes.

Apparently, I wasn't quite on time as there was only one spot available, in other words mine, at the opposite of the table across from King Rédi. All the heads turned towards me as the butler announced my name with a powerful voice.

"Prince Léni! How nice of you to join us." The old hero was being sarcastic, he couldn't bear the fact that I "wasted" my time on Emée.

"The pleasure is mine, my King." I answered equally ironically. "Good morning ladies and gentlemen." I greeted the counselors.

I certainly wasn't the best dressed person in the room. All of them were wearing clean and new suits with many ornaments out as it was a sort of special occasion. King Rédi was in dark green today, his golden ornaments sticking out on his shoulders and chest.

I sat down as everyone was waiting for me. my behavior these past days was quite peculiar to the court, I wasn't used to be closed off to people but I needed to stay focused on Emée and this stupid meeting had to be over as quickly as possible.

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