10 | The Chase

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She was gone in a second. I looked around and I can't even find her shadow, needless to say find her.

I saw Leon asking Aurora to dance with him. He made his move, so I thought I should make mine too.

I put my hand in my pocket, and took out something carefully, hoping not to destroy it. I looked at it, and a smile was seen on my face.

From the look of it, this bracelet was made by someone professional, someone that is gentle so that the flowers won't be destroyed.

Yes, flowers. There were five types on flowers on it, including Roses, Lilies, Daisies, Orchid and Tulip. They were all picked carefully from the garden, the best from the best.

I saw on TV shows that at a dance, the boys will always prepare a flower bracelet or some sort of things for the girls.

Yes, it looks kind of stupid, but that's the only idea that came into my mind. That's why...... I made it, my own self.

Anyway, when I looked back up, Amy is gone. I searched everywhere but still I can't find her at all. The buffet, the garden, the pool, even the toilet.

Thank Arceus that no one is in the toilet or I will be in big trouble.

I went out from the restaurant, leaving Leon and Aurora alone there dancing. If Amy isn't here, then she should be somewhere near here.

I took out my Nevadex, which is a new brand of phone from Kalos, and searched through the map.

"Nevadex, what is the nearest places around here?" I asked.

"If I am not mistaken, which is impossible for me to make any mistake, the nearest places can only be,

1. The Friendly Hospital
2. The Royal Park
3. The Couple's Beach."

The Friendly Hospital is out of the list of my search right away. I don't see a reason for Amy to go to the hospital, as all her family is all in good shape.

So there can only be two places, which is the Royal Park and The Couple's Beach.

I went through the Royal Park, which is so quiet even a leaf fell from the tree could be heard from miles away.

The facilities here is all made by pure gold, which really matches the word 'Royal'. However, only disappointment is there as I couldn't find Amy anywhere.

So, I headed to the Couple's Beach. Let me tell you, there's only one word to describe that place, 'disgusting'.

The Pokemon that were there is only couples. Some were having a camp there while singing songs together, some were hugging, and some is...... Kissing.

Now I know why this place is call The Couple's Beach. I really wish that I could leave here immediately, but for the sake of Amy, I will do anything.

"Now that I think of it, why would Amy even be here?" I said as I saw one of my classmate with his girlfriend.

"Please tell me that Amy is here, or what I gain is nothing but just some bad memories!"


The tides. As if they were newborns, just open their eyes and saw the big eyes of their parents, trying to reach them was the reason they went to the shore.

The waves. They were a teenager, that knew nothing but fun and love. As for the reason they keep come to the beach, is because they are chasing their lover.

That's what my mother always say to me when we come here. I remember it to my heart and mind. It was as peaceful as I can remember, until someone shouted.

"Amy! Where are you?"

I turned my head towards the sound, and saw no one else but the one and only Liam. He saw me, and fled towards me at full speed.

But that makes things worse for others. He made the sand flew everywhere when he fled towards me, and the sand covered all of the couples around us, making them feeling annoyed.

"Hey, what is that for?" One of them shouted to Liam.

"Yeah, what is the big idea?" Another one yelled with an angry tone.

Liam noticed what was happening, and used Pysic to carry the sand away before apologizing to the others.

Watching him being clumsy and messing things up, made me laugh out loud.

"What's so funny?"

"You are! What are you doing here anyway?" I asked him.

"Finding you. What else will I be doing?"

"Finding me? Why? I thought you are at the restaurant with Leon and Aurora."

"Well...... I was about to ask you to dance with me but...... You were gone."

The thought of him asking me to dance together surprised me. I never thought of Liam asking me to dance with him. Never!

"So, why did you ran?"

I stayed silent when he asked me that. I don't really think it's a good idea to tell him the whole jealousy thing.

But I guess I don't need to, cause he knew it already. "You were jealous, isn't it?"

His words shocked me, and that thing just keep on coming.

"You saw Leon asking Aurora to dance with him, and not you, that made you jealous. And that's why you ran away, is that the truth?"

He talked a whole lot of things in a moment, but I still heard everything he said. Once more, I kept quiet.

I put down my head, trying not to make eye contact with him. But he didn't even try to make eye contact with me, but make body contact with me.

He used his hand to put my head facing towards him. Through his eyes, I can know what he is saying.

'I will take that as a yes.'

"So behind the truth, the real truth is that you like Leon."

He didn't wait for me to say anything, and just uses his hand to make my head nod. I hate him......

"You once asked me who I liked, but I never told you the answer.

Well, I will tell you the answer now."

He didn't tell me anything though. He just pulled my head towards his, and within seconds...... We kissed.

My eyes opened wide, my heart is pounding. I tried to break it but in a sudden, Liam's hand is around me, hugging me tightly.

My cheeks became red, my body feeling hot. However, Liam just seem to be fine, and seeing him enjoying this just made me feel much more angry.

But for some reason, or maybe there isn't any reason at all, my eyes started to close, and I started to enjoy this moment.

Notifications 2th of August

There is 21 reads at the last chapter, so as I said at the newest chapter of "The Battle of Gods", I will update today and not on Tuesday.

In my country it's still Sunday, so it counts for me. But if your country isn't Sunday now, than I will apologize.

Anyhow, hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Don't forget to vote! :)

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