04 | Different People, Same Fear

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"You are late." Groudon said when I came.

I chuckled, "It's just ten minutes. Don't take it so seriously dude!"

"Put your hand down Latios, you may be at a different school now but you still must give me some respect."

I put my hands down as ordered and we went into Groudon car. It's really huge, but it's just the right size for Groudon.

"We don't really need to drive, we can just walk there!" I said while flying around here and there. This car is as big as a mountain.

However, Groudon just ignored me and concentrated on his driving. The scenery here is nice.

It is quite near my house and just a few minutes walk, but our environment is a big difference.

Mine was very noisy and full of people, and hardly any fresh air was at there. The school's has beautiful mountains around and clear lakes.

After a few minutes, it came into my sight. It is... Unbelievable. An invisible force had covered it, but still could be seen by me.

Islands are floating around, each school is on top of it. Nothing was holding it and it just kept moving.

One of the island is bigger than the others, so it should be the teachers' or principle's.

Groudon drove our car to one of the island and that's where a large pokemon awaits us.

Green in colour, longer than The Great Wall, and is stronger than Groudon.


When we are close enough we went out from the car and greet the legendary Pokemon.

Groudon, however kneeled down while saying a word "Brother". I was still awed and amazed by Rayquaza until Groudon gave me a signal and asked me to follow him.

"There isn't a need of that brother." Rayquaza said while flying around us, mostly me.

"You are strong, really strong," Rayquaza praised me.

But before I can replied him, he continued his sentence.

"Once you come out from the sadness. Until than, you are just a weakling."

That one word stroke me like a thousand swords, right in my heart. I was angry yet disappointed in myself for being such a failure.

Groudon just ignored everything and asked Rayquaza to show me around as he had something else to do.

Without hesitation Rayquaza agreed and went straight ahead. I was still shocked by his speed until I came back into reality and catch up to him.

We flied around the whole place while Rayquaza told me about it.

"What you see here is the work of Dialga and Palkia. Palkia made this space while Dialga stopped the time around it. Each school on top of the island is responsible of one subject."

I looked around and saw a ton of strong Pokemons. Some were watching us while some just continued their work. Suddenly, a huge bomb was seen on one of the islands.

It could be heard from miles away. A shiny Latias than came here in the speed of light and whispered something into Rayquaza's ears.

"Not again! Latios, Amy here will tell you the rest, I got to do something."

I saw the Shiny Latias and was stammered to see her. It reminds me of my ex-best friend. Seeing Amy brings up the thought of her.

We both don't know what to do and felt really awkward.

"So, umm... What happened?" I asked out of curiosity and to break the silence.

"Oh, the Dragonites fought again... By the way, what's your name?" Amy replied while asked me a question.

"Latios. I thought you know that."

"No, I know that you are a Latios. I mean your nickname."

"Oh... Uh, Leon." I replied her with the first name that goes into my mind.

After a little chit chat, Amy took me around and introduced me to her friends. They were friendly, but the only problem is that a lot of Pokemon is looking at me.

Amy decided to introduce me to her best friend. Both is a Latios and a Latias, and the Latios is a shiny.

So I guess it's a double bonus to see two shines in a day, is it?

They are in the library for a project, which looks like quite important for them. The library is big so it's quite hard to find them.

After a long time we finally found them. They were in the end to do research, so that's why we can't find them.

"Hey Aurora, Liam! Guess what, there is a new student!" Amy shouted to them.

But all we get was a, "What?..... What?.....What?......"

When Amy finally explained to them we said hello to each other and talk for a little bit.

The Latias named Aurora however gave me a feeling that warmed my heart. But I was more focused on my fear as it was a Latias that broke my heart.

"So, did you know?" Liam asked me.

"Know what?"

"Amy is the most prettiest girl here. Does that explained the look that the other Pokemon gave you?"

"What!" I was surprised and looked at Amy. Now that I see she is quite pretty. Slowly, I was lost in another dimension, finally awake by the loud fighting.

"Hey, you don't need to mention that! You are the most popular boy and Aurora is the second prettiest too!"

"Why? Scared that Leon won't...." Liam teased.

"I won't what?" I asked with full of curiosity.


The fight didn't stop though. Liam and Amy kept on fighting, while Aurora just stood at one side.

I signaled Aurora and asked her to follow me. She is quite quiet and I doesn't really know her. Maybe I can use this opportunity.

We went for a stroll outside, and took some fresh air. There isn't really anything to say as I still have a fear against Latias.

"I heard that you are the second prettiest in this academy."

"Yes, but I don't really like the popularity. It's very annoying when everyone looks at you and being confessed everyday."

"Yeah, me too." I said while looked at my right.

Aurora too looked at my direction, and saw a few Cresselia there looking at me. They blushed and giggled when I looked at them.

For some reason they pushed other here and there, and finally one of them came to me with a paper on her hands.

She gave it to me and all of them ran away.

I opened the paper and just saw three words, "I like you." Aurora was shock to see that, and I hadn't even got the time to say anything because Liam and Amy came.

When they saw what was on my hand, they teased me as much as the can.

"Looks like you are not the only popular boy here Liam. Leon here may be a newbie, but he already attracted a ton of girls." Amy said to Liam, even do she knew I can hear it too.

Notifications 10th of July 2020

Hi guys. I just wrote this chapter and wanted your opinion. Remember to vote for my story. Some of you may be confused by this chapter because I reaarange d the chapters and added a new one in the front. So make sure you read it!

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