08 | Did Something Went Wrong?

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"Sorry Aurora, but I need to go now. Bye!" I quickly rushed towards my mom, leaving Aurora behind.

'Strange....... Amy normally will keep teasing me about Liam and Me. But how come today she just ran off like that today?' Aurora thought.

'You know what, let's just appreciate the peace and quiet while it lasts. Anyway, this won't last more than one day.' Aurora just simply put on an answer for herself and went her way home.

My mom is standing at the school gate, waiting for me. She took a day off today as I asked her. It's a really long time since she has a break.

"Mom! Over here!" I shouted while walking through the crowd.

Luckily, she saw me and waved her hand as a sign of 'I am over here.'

After going through that crowded, really crowded crowd, which took quite a long time, I reached where my mom was.

"So, what do you want to do today? Maybe baking some cakes or go to the movies or-"

"No time for that Mom. We need to go to the mall, A S A P."


"Umm...... Umm..... It's hard to explain. I just want to get a new dress."

"But you have a lot at home already, why do you need to get a new one? Why not get a new show or pants? Yours are quite old." She said, which is actually a fact.

"Those aren't really age appropriate for me. I need something that suits me more. Come on, let's go!"

I quickly ran so that Mom doesn't keep talking. And if she keep on asking she will know the real reason. And it's really embarrassing.

The nearest mall is about a few blocks from here, so walking there is just fine. I was thinking of getting a handbag too, but its out of my budget. A new dress should be enough to impress him, I guess.

After a while, we reached the mall. I came here a few times so I am quite familiar with this place. There were some dress that looks beautiful, but it's too expensive.

I continue looking and searching, but either it is too expensive, than it doesn't attract me. I was having a hard time, and Mom isn't making it any easier.

She just kept on asking even do I denied it every single time. Still, she isn't budging.

"Is it because one of your students criticise your shirts? If yes than you must tell me."

"Or is your shirt to tight? Don't be scared that you are fat."

"No! No! No!" I said loudly.

"Or..... Is it because you like someone?"

Right after what Mom said, I stood there like a statue. I didn't even expected Mom to said that.

We both stood there without saying anything. I don't know how to react. Even if I denied it Mom would still find out.

But Mom knew the answer. She took me to a bench, and we sat down.

"Look Amy, I don't really care who you like. As long as he is kind hearted, caring and a good person.

The problem is, you don't need to wear such expensive dress just to impress him or make him like you.

If he like you, he would want you to be the way you are. Wear something that, show out your personality, can let people know who you are." Mom said with a loving smile. It warmed my heart, and tears suddenly came out from my eyes.

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