07 | Separated, But Why?

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Leon, Please Report to Rayqyaza's Room now. It is an emergency. Thank you.

The announcer said. The whole class turned towards me, each student whispering with one another. Without a doubt they are talking about me being expelled.

Yes, that time only we knew what happened. But in a whole Academy there would at least be one "Reporter". One of them must have listened our conversation yesterday.

Now, it is spreading like wild fire. Even Lugia using his Strongest Hydro Pump also can't take it out.

I simply ignored the looks given by the other students and went to Rayqyaza's Room as ordered.

After a few moments, Rayqyaza's Room is right in front of me. This is it. Once I go inside, there is no turning back.

I took a deep breath, and went in.

"Sir?" I asked politely.

"Oh, Leon you are here. Have a seat."

"Thank you Sir. So, umm...... What is it?" I asked Rayqyaz even do I knew the reason why I am here.

"About yesterday situation.... I discussed with the others and we made our decision."

Inside my heart I was scared and trembling like a little child met an Ursaring. I didn't knew what to do and just kept quiet.

"We thought for a while and decided that you will be expelled." He said. Those words may be just, words. But for me, it's like a thousand swords pierce through my heart, taking my life away.

It isn't just because I love it here, it's just that I have a connection with it, and I think.... I like somebody here.

"Listen to me Leon. Even if you are trying to help Aurora, which most of the teachers don't believe, you still broke our rules. Half of us believed that you are giving a hand, but another half disagree. That is why we decided to transfer you to Kyorge's Academy, Rain Academy." Rayquaza tried to make me feel better, but it's no use.

I sat there, ears opening, but my mind closed. I put on an "understanding" face on the outside while my soul had broken to pieces.

I didn't remembered what Rayquaza said after that, I just remembered I hide at the Old Wing of the Academy after the talk.

"Why? Why! I don't want to transfer to another school! I love it here! I love A-" I was lost in another world that I simply said out what was in my mind.

I stopped myself in time, or else I will say something that I wasn't sure of. I don't know if I like her, but..... It's just hard to explain.

I didn't said anything else and just sat there, sobbing like a Sobble, only my tears don't make others cry. There I was, for hours, until Rayquaza found me.

"Leon? Are you ok?" He asked in a gentle tone. This is the first time he talked to me softly.

"I... I am ok Sir. I will head back home now. And I will go to Rain Academy next week." I said.

Legends Academy, Farewell.


That's my cue. I was in another classroom but every class could heard what the announcer said. So, there's actually no secrets in this school.

I told the teacher that I had a stomach pain and needed to go to the bathroom. This way I can see what Leon is doing while the teacher won't be so suspicious why I was gone so long.

I went to the hallway and there he is. I camouflage myself and followed him as quiet as I could. Thank Arceus he didn't suspect anything, or I will be busted.

When he went into Rayqyaza's Room I put my ear on the wall to hear what they say.

But the only thing I heard was "Expelled". That word was enough, and it echoed in my head. He is...expelled from this school.

After a while he ran out and went to the Old Wing. I saw some tears dropped down from his eyes. I followed him, and saw he is crying, really loud.

"Why? Why! I don't want to transfer to another school! I love it here! I love A-" He said it out loud.

But when he said "I love A-", my heart skipped a beat. What is he going to say next.

Does he love..... Me? I waited and waited, but he didn't finished the sentence.


It was evening. And I still keep thinking what he actually is going to say. But stopped thinking about it and thought about the main subject.

Leon is expelled. I thought of a way to "keep him back". But there is no way from stopping Rayqyaza and the others.

I decided to go out together one last time before he went to Rain Academy. Just the two of us, like a.... Date, I guess. Than maybe later only me, Leon, Liam and Aurora will go out together.

I texted him, and no longer than a minute, he agreed. When I saw his text, my heart is pounding like a Rapidash running and galloping.


"Luster Purge!" I used my signature move on that Salamence. It made a big explosion and smoke was all around it.

There wasn't any movement there, and so just like I thought, he had fainted.

All of the Pokemon was in awed to see such power of mine. I had defeated the fifth pokemon in a row, and all of them are strong.

I didn't really take it as a huge victory, I am just battling to let my anger and sadness out. But it didn't really seems to work.

I decided to leave this place and go to the forest. I don't really want to hurt the others, even do they are the one that wanted to battle me.

I used the trees as my opponent, and keep in attack it. Most of the trees fell down, but some were strong and stood there for a long time until I finished it off.

I was just about to clear a whole forest when my phone vibrate for a moment. I checked and saw Amy texted me, and it shocked me.

She asked me if I wanted to go out with her as a last time we hang out together since I was expelled. Wait, how did she knew that I was expelled? Only me, Rayquaza and the other teachers knew about this.

I was about to ask her, but I stopped. In a schools so big like this, she can just ask someone to peek in and hear our conversation.

I didn't thought much and just agreed. She is right, it's one of the last days I was here. Maybe, I can ask Liam and Aurora too....

Notifications 18th of July 2020

I didn't lied right? I said I will update on the weekends and here it is. I will update The Battle Of Gods tomorrow. Enjoy this chapter for now, and remember to vote! :)

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