( 𝟎𝟑𝟗 ) introducing the governor

Start from the beginning

Zoe's breath caught in her throat when he asked her to stand up, she didn't trust this man, and she sure as hell didn't want to do anything he asked her to. Instead of standing up, she stayed seated, her arms still crossed against her chest as she shook her head, indicating that she wasn't going to obey him, no matter what he said or did..
When he leaned forwards, glaring at the young girl in front of him, Zoe's hands began to tremble, and no matter how much she tried to hide it from the Governor, he saw it, and smirked at the sight, knowing that he was getting under her skin.

The Governor slammed his hand down on the table, causing Zoe to jump out of her skin and gasp out in surprise. "Stand up. I'm not going to ask again." He threatened, holding a murderous look on his eyes that terrified Zoe. Knowing that she had no other choice, she stood up, unwillingly, now standing in front of the Governor uncomfortably as his eyes raked over her body in lust. It was hard to keep the tears at bay when she saw this, fearing the worst, but one managed to slip, falling down her face and dropping onto her chest and down her shirt, only making the Governor smirk even more at the girl, loving the effect he had on her. "Take off your shirt." The Governor then instructed, the girls worst fear coming to light. She was shaking like a leaf, her hands clenched in fists as she tried to keep them from trembling, trying to block out the way he was currently looking at her, planning things over in his head, and liking it.

"N-No." Zoe stuttered, hating that she had been put into a situation like this. She just wanted her dad, or Nate. Anyone who could get her out of this mess.

"Take off your shirt, or I'll start bringing pieces of Glenn into this room." The Governor threatened, knowing that the girl would do anything if it meant saving Glenn's life, and he was using that to his advantage, and it was working. Zoe sobbed at his words, more tears dripping down her cheeks as she eventually pulled her shirt over her head, now standing in her bra, feeling way too exposed for this random old man, and she hated it. She wished that he would just stop there, but he motioned to her, "Well.. Go on." He said, letting her know that he wanted her to strip even more.

Zoe clenched her teeth together as she glared down at the man in front of her, who was sitting on his chair, like some sort of show was being put on for him. For him, this was probably a show, and he was enjoying every moment of it. "Screw you." She spat, using the last of her confidence to try and swing him in another direction, hoping that he would just drop it. But, when he simply tilted his head, raising an eyebrow at her tauntingly, she knew she had no other choice, or Glenn would be in danger..

Zoe took in a deep breathe, preparing herself, before she eventually reached up behind her back and held onto the back of her bra, giving the man one last glare as she in clipped her bra, the man smiling in accomplishment. As soon as her bra came off, the girl brought her arms up to hug herself and hide her breasts from the Governor, hating that he was enjoying this so much, and fearful of what he would do to her next. But she had to.. For Glenn. Her hands covered both of her breasts as the Governor sat up straight, eyes showing signs of lust as he watched her tremble under his stare. The girl couldn't meet his eyes again as she stood there, indecent, something she had only shown a small handful of boys in her life, and this man was violating her in ways she couldn't even imagine.

The Governor stood up, keeping his eyes trailed on her chest, as he reached to unbuckle his belt, Zoe sobbing even more when she saw him do so, her lumps trembling as she knew what was going to happen next. He took off his holster and laid it on his chair, before the man slowly walked over to Zoe and pulled her chair away, the girl crying as he now towered over her, being able to feel his breathe on the side of her neck, making her cringe even more.. When he reached his hand up and played with a strand of her hair, she closed her eyes, letting out another sob as her breathing sped up in pace. It was when he leaned in and took a deep breath, smelling her hair, she she try to finch away from her, but in response, he had taken his hand and gripped the back of her neck, the girl gasping in surprise, before he slammed her down onto the table.

Zoe yelled out in pain as her head hit the solid wood, already feeling the blood pool on the table underneath her, before she felt the Governor press himself up against her, the girl sobbing yet again. She had thought that she could be strong, that she could fight him off, but he was too strong, he was too manipulative, and she was now under his hold. "I'll ask again. Where are you and your people living?" The Governor asked her, stroking his hands down her bare back, feeling incredibly wrong, the girl still squirming under his hold, before he pressed harder down on her, the girl grunting as her lungs were beginning to feel blocked off..

Zoe knew how this was going to plan out, and she had already gone through it in her head - this was going to happen, if she wanted to keep her family safe, then this is what she had to do. She had to sacrifice herself. "You do what you gotta do. Then you can go to hell. You bastard." Zoe spat, before she closed her eyes in preparation for what he was going to do. He wasn't going to break her, and he was beginning to realise that, now. He had to use her family against her.

The Governor knew that he wasn't going to touch her anymore, so, with a sigh, he eventually backed off, leaving the girl sobbing on the table, unable to move. "You've made a big mistake." He tutted, before grabbing her hand and yanking her back up, taking her in a hold as she used her hands to cover her bare chest from anyone. He pulled her out of the room, not caring that she couldn't keep up as the girl stumbled on her own feet, scared that she was being bought to her death or something, but when she saw that she was being led to the room next door, she couldn't help but sigh in relief. Glenn was alive.

However, the second Glenn saw The Governor pull Zoe into the room, the girl topless, with tears down her face and a gash on her forehead, he hated that he couldn't do anything to help her, and he wanted to kill the Governor in this moment of time, murder him for what he had done to his best friend. He raised his chair leg again as he tried to hit the Governor, but the others raised their guns, causing him to drop it to the ground, keeping his eyes on Zoe. "We're through with the games." The Governor said, holding his gun up, "Now, one of you is going to give up your camp." He said, clicking his safety off, before holding it up to Zoe's head, the girl barely flinching. But, instead of using her, he headed over to Glenn, now holding the gun up to the boys head instead of the girls.

"The prison." Zoe sobbed, not wanting to see Glenn's head blown to pieces in front of her, she couldn't. She knew that she had just ruined everything, but she didn't doubt for one second that he was going to shoot him in the head. When the Governor said that the place is overrun, Zoe shook her head, multiple tears streaming down her face. "We t-took it." She informed him, hating the way Glenn sighed at her words, the information they were meant to keep to themselves, now out in the open.

"How many are you?" The Governor asked.

"Twelve. We have twelve now." Zoe said.

She couldn't hear what The Governor was saying to his other men next, as she kept her eyes locked ono Glenn, unable to look anywhere else in the room. She hated that he had to see her in this way, knowing that he was now going to feel guilty for a long time, but it wasn't his fault, it was The Governors.. When he came walking over to her again, he pulled her in for an embrace, noticing that she was still crying her eyes out, and Merle couldn't watch them from feeling slight guilt for the girl, although he didn't want to show it. The second the Governor let Zoe go, she sprinted over to Glenn and pulled him in for an embrace, hoping that he could cover herself up from the other men in the room - if there was anyone she could trust when she was in this position, it was Glenn..

Glenn held onto his best friend with a grimace on his face, glaring at Merle as he watched them, backing out of the room at the same time. He made sure to run her back in reassurance, knowing that they were retreating and leaving them alone, something he needed right now. He didn't know what the Governor did to Zoe, but whatever it was, it wasn't good, and for that reason alone, he wanted to kill him.

No one touched his best friend and got away with it. No one.

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