Chapter Thirty-six: The Realization

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Chapter Thirty-six: The Realization

I sat quietly in my dorm, with my notebook on my lap, staring blankly at the words of the prophecy I'd hastily copied down a few days ago.

The great enemy...

I was tired. I smacked the notebook up into my face, absolutely sure I was missing something very, very obvious. I stood up and made for the dormitory door, heading down into the common room to do some research. I was standing right in the middle of the common room, admiring the metallic bronze fibers in the blue carpet, when it hit me, crashing down on my head like a bucket of ice water.

BLUE phoenix...
The great enemy... Born in war...
Blue eyes... Mechanical behavior...
The weird readings on my device...

"Oh!" I called aloud. "Ooo! I GET IT!!!"
I smacked my hand into my face, turned around on the spot a couple times, ignoring all of the very strange looks I was receiving.
"I'm so stupid!"
And with that, I sprinted out of the common room. I needed to talk to my "Confidant of the secret, deepest hidden".
I scoured the Library for her. Nope. Great Hall. Nope. Lawns. Nope.
Of course she had to be in the one place (well, one of three) in the castle where I couldn't go.
Still clutching my bit of paper- by now the ink was surely smudged with sweat- I ran flat-footed up several sets of stairs and onto the seventh floor, finally stopping, out of breath, in front of a painting of a rather large woman.
"Er- hello," I said quietly, in part because I was still struggling to breathe, and in part because of the woman's aloof expression. "I need to see Natalie?"
"Natalie? The one who's forgotten the password no less than three times this year?"
"That's probably her."
"No Ravenclaws inside the tower! Don't be ridiculous."
I groaned loudly and sat down on the floor.
"Careful, dear, my painting swings open. You'll have your head bashed in," she chided. I scooted over. "Sorry I can't let you in, but rules are rules, especially rules that have existed for as long as these. No Ravenclaws in Gryffindor Tower!"
"There's been a Gryffindor in Ravenclaw tower," I retorted.
"Well- that was a moment of crisis. Oh, here comes someone now."
Her frame swung away from the wall as if on hinges, and out stepped a Gryffindor fifth year.
"Hey, what're you doing here?" he said, a look of mild disdain on his face.
"I really need to talk to Natalie- first year, I'm sure you don't know her. Nevermind."
"Natalie, as in Natalie of the Great Kitchen Raid? Everybody knows her," he replied, like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
"Can you get her?"
"Not with you there, I can't."
I scowled, but got up and sauntered away. The boy walked up to the painting and whispered something in her general direction, and she swung open.
"Natalie!" the boy hollered. "Some little Ravenclaw's looking for you!"
Natalie appeared moments later, spotted me, and ran over.
"Are you alone in the hall? Seriously?" was the first thing on her mind. "Do you know what's go-"
"The Great Kitchen Raid? Really?"
She opened her mouth to answer, but I shushed her. "Never mind, tell me later. Okay, with all respect, I really need you to shut up and listen right now. I've figured out what's taking the people. And- yeah, there's been a prophecy, about me, and so it's basically my fault, but you're going to need to come along and help me save the world and things."
"O-okay. I guess I can work with that...?" she replied hesitantly.
I handed her the smudged piece of paper, pointing out the prophecy and all the other bits of evidence.
"It all fits!" I said excitedly. "Maybe I'll even get to kill one."
"I'm sure you'd love to do that," Natalie muttered. "Suddenly, I don't want to come with you too much anymore."
"Don't worry, you'll be okay. The prophecy didn't mention anything about you dying," I said. I hadn't mentioned the part of the prophecy that said I would be the one who was dying.
"We need a plan. And we need it quick. And that "yearning companion" better show up sometime soon, because I'd like to save the school as soon as I possibly can."
"To the library!" Natalie shouted, half-mockingly, extending a hand like she was about to rocket off.
"To the library!"
Just then, another Gryffindor boy approached. There seemed to be a surplus.
"Since I kind of guess you two are going to the library... You know, amazing psychic abilities and all, I was wondering if I could tag along? I wanted to go there but I didn't think it was entirely wise to go alone through the halls after dark."
"Uh- okay," squeaked Natalie. I looked at her like she was crazy. The boy just looked amused.
"Hey, it's you! I keep running in to you!"
"Oh yeah, you're that girl from the hall."
"And the library."
"And the library. Yes."
"I'm sure I know you from somewhere."
Natalie's eyebrows were slowly creeping up her forehead.
"No, no, no you don't," he said, blushing and scratching his neck.
"Merlin's Beard, Amelia, really? That's- mmmfgh!"
He clapped a hand over her mouth before she could finish her statement.
"Shall we go?"

A/N OOO DID YOU SEE HOW I DIDN'T MENTION THE THINGS?? HAVE I LEFT YOU DANGLING FROM A CLIFF? I'm such an amazing and wonderful and humble writer. :P Try to figure it out or wait until next week!

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