Chapter Twenty-seven: Psychic Link

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A/N: I'm back! My Grammy sent me home with three pounds of cookies o.O

Anyway, the general opinion on the last chapter was confusion. That was kinda the point, though I might re-write it to make it a little clearer... Though there are lots of unresolved details that make it murky- on purpose- so... Yeah...

There's a new Doctor Who episode and it involves a dinosaur and gives the watcher a) feels b) not-TOO-scary nightmares c) memories of 10 riding a horse...

Actually, there are two new ones and one of them came out today and it's a bit weird. Well, it's actually pretty weird. But that's okay, the fandom just says "EX-TERM-I-NATE!!" and sits back with a satisfied expression. Because Daleks. It's a love hate relationship.

I really need to stop now.

Read "Untitled" and let's get on with the story!

Chapter Twenty-seven: Psychic Link

Even after the story was recounted twice, I still found myself confused.

Mostly because of the use of personal names- although looking at the verbal cues and behavior, I could mostly guess the relationships.

The crying girl was Holly. Jasper was the boy who was still in the room, and rubbing his hands up and down his arms nervously, like it was cold in the room. Aidan was the boy who'd fallen unconscious on the stairs. Griffin had been the snarky one telling the story.

Holly was crying and generally panicking, presumably because of her relationship with Aidan. It seemed as though there was some sort of romance there, though whether it was mutual or Holly just had- what was it- a crush on him- was debatable.

Jasper was downright disturbed, as he was the accused in this situation. Listening to the description of the events, though, made it seem more like there was some alien involvement.

Or magical, my subconscious added, scolding me for forgetting that possibility.

Griffin had tried to intervene in Jasper's attack on Aidan, but had been easily subdued.

"Miss Amelia," coughed Professor McGonagall, waking me from my reverie. "Do you suppose you could... extract the details of this situation? I would try to use a Pensive, but sadly it's nigh impossible to extract the memories of another..."

"Oh, I suppose I could try a- a psychic link..." I trailed off. Nervous breakdowns were terrible for psychic links. People naturally blocked off important memories when panicked.

Jasper looked to and fro, head snapping back and forth to follow the conversation.

"A what?" he squeaked.

"Well, Jasper," I began, but the Headmistress cut me off with a pointed look.

"Quite simply, we need to know exactly what happened this morning. Our stock of Veritiserum is sadly lacking, and it's against MINISTRY policy to preform a Veritiserum questioning on students," she said, trying to hide the malice on the word Ministry. Clearly she had a bad past with these Ministry people.

"Therefore, Amelia is going to use a spell on you so she can see your memory of this morning."

Jasper nodded once, eyes wide. I smiled what I hoped was a reassuring smile and brought my chair over to Jasper's side.

He looked at me and whispered, "I didn't do it."

I placed my hands on each side of his head, fingertips on his temples. He flinched.

"Don't worry, I don't bite. This won't take a minute. Just put your hands here-" I said, guiding his hands to each side of my head. I drew a deep breath and-


I opened my eyes blearily, feeling as though I'd just woken up. Where was I laying? It was all dark. Quite dark.

I stood up, looking all around. There were doors everywhere, but almost all of them were hanging open slightly, inviting me inside.

I peeked behind the nearest one, and suddenly all my senses were assaulted with a fraction of a second's worth of a memory.

Then I remembered- this was Jasper's consciousness, and I was looking for a memory from this morning.

I followed my instinct towards a door, which smelled freshly painted. Sure enough, it was open just a crack. I pried it open, and, steeling myself, stepped inside.


I was walking down to the Quiddich pitch this morning, right beside a much more cheery bunch- Holly, Griffin, Aidan, Emma, and Jasper before the incident. They couldn't see me- I was practically a ghost. But I could see them- and everything around me. It WAS this morning. Short of time travel, this was as good as it got.

The dewy grass squelched beneath my feet and the crisp fall air burned my nose. But it was clear, and I could tell it was going to be a nice one.

Emma- I presumed it was Emma- cracked a joke, and everyone burst into laughter. Everyone, that is, except Jasper. He stood stoically, matching along. Nobody seemed to notice much, although Holly gave him a queer look.

We arrived at the Quiddich pitch, and the crowd thickened, forcing me to jog to keep up with the gang of Gryffindors. They headed up to the fateful site, and sat down, chatting and laughing the whole time.

All except Jasper, who was still sitting stiffly at the edge of the row, maintaining a perfect posture. I sat below the group, biding my time until the action broke out.

I heard a gasp and snapped around.

Jasper's eyes has gone blue- his pupils had been swallowed up in a milky blue sea, and his irises were so blue that they seemed to glow. He had snatched Aidan up by the collar and was glaring at him.

"What?" Aidan choked, managing to coax a coy little smile onto his face, even in his situation. "Was it something I said?"

With a perfectly executed, mechanical blow, Jasper punched Aidan straight in the face.

Holly screamed, and Aidan swung his leg up, catching Jasper in the knee. His nose bled profusely, and his brown hair was mussed.

The people all around me stood and backed away. Some screamed, others ran.

I stood watching, almost morbidly fascinated.

Griffin stepped in, pushing the two apart. Jasper's lip curled and he splayed his fingers, sending Griffin flying backwards and tumbling gracelessly down the stands.

I could hear Griffin mutter, "ow."

Jasper turned back to Aidan. He grabbed the poor boy by the collar again, and this time swung him up into the air.

Aidan hovered there momentarily, eyes flashing a brighter blue. Then he fell, almost in slow motion, to the stairs, where he fell down, lifeless as a rag doll.

Holly broke into tears. The blue flowed from Jasper's eyes- and then those same eyes widened, and he curled up into a ball. Emma had bolted long ago, and Griffin sat, groaning, three rows down. A ring of people started to form, and I saw myself rush to the scene.

My work is done here, I thought, and severed the psychic link.

A/N: there, hope you get the situation now. It's nearly midnight so goooood night! I wrote this in, like, an hour so sorry if it's weird!

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