Chapter Eleven: Morning Cheer

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Chapter Eleven: Morning Cheer

I read for the rest of the night. The Ravenclaws around me settled down quickly, and time seemed to fly as I educated myself on magic.

When the pink tendrils of morning crept in, I neatly piled all the books I'd read and tiptoed back into the dorm. The compartment door rattled a little when I opened it, but neither of my roommates were awakened by it.

I fell back onto the bed and stared at the wooden ceiling until a Prefect rapped on the dormitory door.

"Time to wake up!" he yelled. "Breakfast in a hour!"

I heard the groggy stirring of my roommates. When I stepped out of my compartment, feeling awake, I acted tired and grumpy to the best of my ability.

"Good Morning!" I said cheerfully. The other two, especially the blonde kid, whose hair was spiky and tangled and looked like a few hundred huon particles swarming in a vacuum, gave me strange looks. "Huon hair girl, I didn't get your name," I added.

The blonde drew back. "Who, me?" she asked.

"Yes, you!" I said, like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"I'm Eleanor. My hair doesn't look like an American lake, either. Now where is the bathroom? I need to brush my teeth!"

After a moment of confusion at her response (on my part) and a few minutes of searching, we found a panel door which led to a shared bathroom.

It had four tall sinks which all gushed water like a waterfall and six little rooms, which, upon inspection, each contained a toilet and a square bath/shower.

"Preeeety nice," mumbled Eleanor. She pulled a toothbrush and toothpaste out of a previously unknown pocket and began to immediately scrub her teeth.

Imogene and I locked eyes for a second. I felt a laugh bubbling up inside of me and I tore my eyes away before I burst into a fit of giggles.

The door to the other room swung open with a bang as three other girls stumbled through, landing in a heap on the ground.

They promptly untangled themselves, laughing, and stood up.

"Oh, hi," said one of three girls nonchalantly. She had an air of importance about her, which was only heightened by the way the other two girls stood behind her.

Not even bothering to introduce themselves, they set about brushing their hair and washing their faces.

I disliked them immediately.

"I'm going to go get dressed," I said quietly to Imogene.

Stepping into my compartment, I opened my trunk to reveal my small supply of clothes.

I slipped into my daily uniform. It was pretty comfortable, but for the hat, and very warm.

I stepped out of the compartment and gave a twirl. There was a sleeveless grey sweater with blue embroidered bands around the bottom, a pleated grey skirt, white socks, and shiny black shoes underneath.

"Not unlike a typical boarding school," I thought.

The robe was what made it unique. That, and the tall, pointy, tight hat.

The robe was a big, flowing black thing, with dark blue lining. Its sleeves ended in wide points and it swooped down, dangling just above my ankles.

I decided I liked it.

I pocketed my wand, Pyradonian academy book, which shrunk down to fit in the pocket, and a couple of leftover candies from the train, still in the wrapping.

Aroura screeched and flew to my shoulder.

I felt like a real wizard for the first time since the letter.

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