Chapter Twenty-one: Blue Phoenix

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A/N: Annndd- this is OFFICIALLY my longest story ever written on Wattpad, going by chapters! Yay! Fireworks mentioned namely because it's the 4th of July- not my favorite :P. I pretty much use it as an excuse to have my friends over to set off fire*crackers*. Apparently 'patriotism' died with the super 4th-of-July sales. Sorry, I'm ranting here. :P

Chapter Twenty-One: Blue Phoenix

By the time the first weekend rolled around, I felt a little better about my magical ability. Flitwick had me in a little group after classes for tutoring- I'd come a long way, and met a two nice Hufflepuff twins named Bridget and Wynn. Well, mostly Wynn- he was a first year like me and in the group, whereas Bridget had somehow convinced everyone that she was older and had just begun her second year- them being twins was a (badly-kept) secret.

I was excelling in Potions, and found myself a bit of a niche for broomstick flying- this year I'd do a few basic lessons, maybe try out for the Quiddich team next year.

Everyone in the dorm was grumpy come Saturday morning- I had been tired and tried to sleep, but some genius in Gryffindor tower had lit off what was apparently an entire box of fireworks- magical, LONG-LASTING fireworks. They were beautiful- the first minute. After that they got old very quickly.

Eleanor was, naturally, the first to make a comment as we shuffled around.

"Luuurvely show last night," she groaned sarcastically. "Just faaab."

I couldn't help snickering.

Irene was taking more and more- coming out of her shell a bit, I supposed.

"The Prefect was saying it was Peeves."

Unwilling to ask who Peeves was, I slipped my arm elbow-deep into my trunk, my hand fishing for my scarf. Even on weekends, it was quite comfy.

I set off to breakfast early, eager to meet Natalie. Today, we could "hang out" together- presuming she had no homework. I had been doing mine at night- plenty of time to think silently.

I found her nibbling a piece of toast, mulling over a newspaper. When I sat down, she folded it up and set it aside with a smile.

"No good news- no interesting news, either. Sometimes I don't know why I bother with the Prophet."

I shrugged. "I'm mostly just excited to hang out today."

Natalie's grin widened and she crammed the rest of the toast into her mouth, standing with a flourish.

We wandered out the doors onto the misty front lawn together, chatting. Before I knew it, we were down at the lakeside.

Sitting on the bank, I playfully tossed a handful of wet sand at her. She tossed one right back.

"So, how's Ravenclaw fitting you?" Natalie inquired.

"I love it, actually! I just wish you were there. They've got a really cool Common Room- big starry dome and books everywhere! Not to mention the epic view." I paused. "Um, how is Gryffindor?"

"So cozy," she replied enthusiastically. "Lots of squashy chairs and tapestries and knick-knacks and fires- and everyone's pretty nice. Oh- what'd you think of the fireworks?"

I rolled my eyes. "Irene was saying that Peeves set them off."

"You should have SEEN the Prefect's face! Priceless!" she giggled, contorting her face in a bizarre imitation. I broke into laughter.

"Plus people tell great stories," she added wistfully. "Some fifth-year boys were taking about their "encounter" with the "Blue Phoenix"," she said sarcastically, punctuating it with air quotes.

"Blue Phoenix?"

"You don't know about the Phoenix? It's a more recent sort of legend. Before, people were taking about the Red Phoenix or the Weeping Phoenix or whatever- apparently it's Blue now. There's, like, a mini-cult for it and everything."

I was intrigued. "Cool, please do continue."

Natalie gave me a funny look, but launched into a monologue. "So, the main story behind it is that it's the old Headmaster's Phoenix- you know, Dumbledore? The one before McGonagall who died? Pretty famous. But anyway, they say that his pet Phoenix wanders the grounds today.

"They say that if you encounter it, it'll either run away or make you immortal. Except that if it chooses to make you immortal, you're never seen again. Just- poof! So, yeah. I don't believe it."

I nodded. That definitely didn't sound like normal phoenix behavior. "Have there been any disappearances? Any 'victims'?"

"Well, some people say that it takes one from each house every year, but I think they'd tell us if that were true. Like, "Missing child alert!" That'd be big news."

I fell into a contemplative state. There had to be some basis for this legend- there always was. I must've been totally in my own world, because I was rudely awakened by a splatter of mud to the face.


I stood dramatically. "Oh, it's on. You'll learn soon enough not to challenge a Gallifreyan to a battle," I replied, fighting to keep a straight face as I hurled a handful of mud back at her.

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