58- Business Partners

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"I'll be back later. Bye Robin, bye Clementine."

"Bye Everly."

She walked out of the building and I turned and smiled at Robin.

"Come on. We're gonna go to my office."


We walked up the stairs and into the room. She took a seat in a chair and I sat at my desk.

"Here. Draw the fabric on here." I said handing her an Ipad and the pencil with it

She took it started drawing.

"So what grade are you in?"



"Is it true that you and Tyler ran away together when you were 16?

"Yeah. We both had valid reason."

"That sounded like fun."

"It was but it was kinda scary at the same time, but it worked out."

"Must've. Are you going to the Met Gala this year?"

"Nu uh. There's no reason to. But some people have asked me to make em stuff. But I didn't wanna do that either."

"Why not?"

"Cause, I like designing stuff I'd wear, or that I think people will like. I'm not with that weird extravagant lady gaga type stuff."

"Felt that."

I chuckled and did some stuff on my computer.

"Ok, I'm finished." She said handing the ipad back with the pencil ontop.

"Beautiful. Come on, I'm gonna send this to Calvin and we can go to my warehouse."

"You have a warehouse?"

"Yup, well I don't like to call it a warehouse but that's the only name I can think of."


"Let's go." I said getting up

We left the building and walked to my car.

"Your car is mad nice." She said getting in the  backseat

"Thanks but you can sit in the front if you want." I said getting in the drivers seat


I laughed and she moved up to the front.

"Thank you so much."

"It's no problem really."

"Like you're actually making my dreams come true right now. It was step 7 on my life plan, I had it written down."


"I wrote out how I wanted my life to unfold and number 7 was work with/for, Clementine Waters."

"Wow. I'm glad I mean that much to you for me to be on your list dude." I smiled driving

"Yeah, like you're just the best to me and I wanted to say thank you."

"It's no problem really. If anything I should be thanking you for showing me that bomb ass design." 

"I never deleted it from my camera roll just in case I ever met you."


We talked some while listening to music on our way there. Once we arrived she followed me inside and to the board room where Calvin usually is. He had Rupaul's drag race playing on the TV while typing on his computer.

"Hey Cal." 

"He Clem- uh, hi?" He said confused looking at robin 



"Calvin this is Robin, I met her at Micheal's the other day and she showed me a really cute design and I liked it so we're here to show you the fabric we need."

"Hi. Yeah, I got the email and was confused cause you didn't say anything but now I know. But let me see this design."

"Show em." 

She showed him her phone and he nodded.

"Awesome, I'll just send it to Des and she'll do what she always does."

"Awesome. Thanks Calvin."

"No problem, and check your email tonight lot's important stuff in there."

"Ok. Bye."


"Let's go Robin."

"So is this where everything is made?" She asked

"Yup, I have amazing co-workers there so cool and awesome."


"You can do this too."

"Eh. It looks mad hard."

"That's why you got to put in the hard work."

"But like, what if it doesn't work out."

"If you put enough passion and belief in it will. I promise."

She nodded her head.

Time Skip

I walked in the house just ready to take a nap. I walk up the stairs and walk in the bedroom. I see Tyler crying with his phone in his hand. 

"Oh my g- Tyler?!" I said rushing over to him 

"What's wrong why are you crying."

He wiped his tears and chuckled a little bit making me look at him weird. 

"Dude. This song. It's so fucking good." 

He turned up the volume on his phone and "Bless you with my love" started playing. 

"Aww." I coo'd resting my head on his 

He kissed em and eventually it was making out but I was still tired.

"Ok. I'm taking a nap."

"Noo, you haven't been home all day."

"But I'm tired T. We can talk after my nap. Just 30 minutes."


"It's literally only 30 minutes."

"So? I want you here."

"I'll still be here though?" I said making my way to the bed

"But I want you here here."

"But I'm really tired." I whined

"Ok well if you're going, I'm going."

"I wouldn't mind that." I said walking up to the bed

I got on the mattress and layed down. I heard Tyler walk up and walk in on the other side of the bed. He layed down and pulled me close to me.

"I'm not tired Clem."

"Shhhh." I said putting my finger on his lips 

Then I feel a sharp pain on my finger. 

Did this nigga just bite me?

"Tyler- I-"

I was at a lost for words. I stared him down as he snickered.

"Alright alright alright. I'll stop." 

I layed back down actually try to fall asleep. I loved the feeling of him next to me. He makes me feel safe.

I love this guy. A lot.

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