51- Make it up to you

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"You like that one?" I asked


"Let's test drive it."


"I couldn't help but over hear that you wanted to test drive this car here." A worker said

"Yeah." I answered

"Great. We can go right now."


He handed us the keys and he got in. The worker sat in the passenger seat and I sat in the back. 

"AC system; the highest this year. Sound system is top notch, aaand this model was nominated for the the safest car of 2019."

"That's what's up." He said pulling out of the parking space

He took his test drive and loved the car. He signed the papers and everything and got the keys to his new car.

"Thank you so much Tyler, I appreciate it so much."

"Don't worry about it man. And come here I got something for you." 


"Nigga just follow me."

I laughed and we walked over to my car. I lifted my trunk and handed him the golf hoodies, skateboard and bus pass he asked for.

"Here you go."

He hugged me tightly and let go.

"This is like my dream, and you've inspired me so much it's crazy."

"I'm glad man."

He took the stuff for me and shook his head.

"Thank you so much." He said with his voice getting shaky 

"Of course. Of course. Drive sa- Park Safe ok?"

"Nah, you needa drive safe, but again thanks."

"Yeah. Have a good life."

He chuckled.

"You too."

He walked away and I was left feeling so humbled. I got in my car and went home. 

Time Skip

I got home and go into the bedroom and see that Clem isn't there. She didn't tell me she was going anywhere though. Whatever. I played music throughout the room and jumped on the trampoline. A few hours later after producing some stuff the door opens. 

"Hey baby." Clem said 

I turn around and she had a big smile plastered on her face. She also was holding a fatburger bag.

"Hey where you been?"

"I had a meet with Cal and them, telling them my idea of the summer camp and they said they're going to do their best to make it happen."

"Awesome. Now can we eat, I'm hungry."

She came over to me and handed the me the bag.

"So how'd everything go you know with the car and everything."

"Fine. He got a new car and I gave him some golf shit. He really loved it and it made me feel amazing."

"I'm glad."


"After this wanna go bike riding?"



"Come on Clem!"

"Hold on!" I said

I grabbed my backpack and we went into the garage to grab our bikes.

"Wait T."

He turned around and I got my sunscreen and applied it to my face.

"I don't need it Clementine." He said wiggling away

"Yes you do. Unless you want sun cancer."

"Black people can't get no skin cancer."

"Yes we can!" I said putting the sunscreen away

"Whatever." He said giving me a quick kiss

He opened the garage and we started biking down the street. We went to a little trail and Tyler said he was about to clear a gap.

"Tyler gregory okonma don't you dare!" I yelled

"Cowabunga dude!"

He went full speed down the mountain and ended up flying in the air. But it all came crashing down when he started to land. His bike slipped from underneath him and he fell on the ground.

"Fuuuck!" He groaned

I run over to him and see his leg bleeding. 

"Damn." I said taking off my backpack 

"You're fucking stupid T. You know that right?"

I got my first aid kit and opened up a bottle of water. 

"But that was sick as hell I know it looked good."

I shook my head. I poured some water on a towel and started wiping the wound.

"This is going to sting a little alright?"

He nodded his head. 

I put rubbing alcohol on it making making him groan. 


"It's fine it's fine."

I put a towel over the wound and wrapped some athletic tape around it. He stood up and picked up his bike.

"It doesn't hurt?" I asked shocked

"Not really, it just stings a little bit."


We left the trail and biked to an ice creme place. By the time we started to ride back there was a gorgeous sunset. We arrived back home and took a shower.

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