18-Not that deep

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Clementine| A few days later 

I walk into the apartment after going to the store to get some more thread and then I look up to see another bed at the top portion of the apartment.

"Yo Tyler!"

"Hey Clem."

"What's up with the second bed?" I said making my way upstairs

"Um ever since me and Gina made it official she said she doesn't feel comfortable with me and you sharing a bed."

"Seriously? Did you tell her we're just friends?"

"Yeah, but she said it still makes her uncomfortable, so I went out a bought a bed." He said taking his shirt off

"Well why do you have to do everything she says?"

"Because I really like her?"

"Whatever T." I said sitting on my bed

"It's not  that deep Clementine. It's pretty weird for us to share a bed anyway."

Not that deep my ass.

"You're an ass wipe."

He sighed and got in his bed. 

Ever since we got here it was always me and Tyler, I have fucking separation anxiety with him. And the fact that he's not there to hold me at night bothers me, a lot. I climbed into my bed. And laid down while going on my phone. It was only 10. I was mad bored so I went on soap2day to watch good boys. (A/N I recommend that website it's free and literally has everything, I just finished Euphoria and I don't even have HBO) Hours go by and then I get from Kali.

Kali: There's a party downtown you tryna go

Clem: Yeah

Kali: Cool, here's the address

Location to 12000 mercury lane has been sent, click for more

Clem: I'll see you there

I looked at the time and it was 12:15. I slowly get out of bed and get some clothes. I grabbed the outfit I wanted and quietly changed cause Tyler's a light sleeper. I finally changed and crept down the stairs holding a pair of black heels in one hand and my phone in the other. I successfully get downstairs and creep out the door. I let out a breath and slipped on my shoes. 

Time skip

I was on the subway waiting for my stop which was the next one. This one guy who was standing up holding onto the pole came over and sat next to me.

"Where you headin?"

"It's not your concern."

Then he chuckled.

"You're fisty huh?"

"Nigga get the FUCK away from me. I will cut you with my pinky nail I'm NOT playing!"

"Chill out ma I only wanna treat you ri-"

I sucker punched him making him spit out blood.

"I swear if you look at me again I will cut your dick off and choke you with it." I said going to another section of the bus

I sighed and listened to some Clairo. Finally the bus came to a stop and I was the first to get off. I went out the exit of the station and looked at the GPS for the party. Walking distance it was only a minute away. Once I arrived I tried to text Kali but I was interrupted

"Hey girl!" Kali smiled

"What's up you look bomb."

"You do too. This party is amazing, the drugs are strong, the alcohol is amazing what else could you want."

"I don't know."


Out of nowhere she handed me a blue solo cup and I drank whatever was in it.

"Damn, what is this?"

"Like bourbon or something- oh my goodness that's Cassidy she's an old friend; enjoy yourself and I'm going to go talk to her."


I went into the crowd and danced. Nobody noticed anyways there was too many people. I didn't notice but I was dancing with a girl who had blond hair and glitter makeup.

"You wanna have fun fun?"

"What's fun fun?" I laughed

She pulled out a tiny baggi that had pills in it. She pulled one out and ate it dry.

"It's promethazine, it makes you hallucinate, it's completely harmless and it can last from 15 minutes to an hour."

She put one on the tip of her finger and held it out for me. I looked at the pill and then at her. I took it off her finger and swallowed it.


We started dancing again. Then everything in the room changed colors and started blurring.


"You're feeling it too huh?"

Her voice was really low, like when you speed down a video.


It made us even crazier, or at least that what it felt like. I took a drink from some random guys hand and drank it.

"Yo! I think coming down." She said

"Me too." I whined

"What's your name?"


"I'm Sadie."

Yeah I was starting to come down too.

"Yeah I think it's over, man, that was fun." 

"I know right! Here."

He she handed me the whole baggie, there was like 6 or so in there.

"For real?!"

"Yeah, but next time it's gonna have to cost you."

"Yeah thanks."

"No problem, and use those wisely don't take one right after you come down ok?"

"No I got it."


I slipped it in my bra. Come on let's go get something to eat!" She said dragging me

We stumbled into the kitchen and there was pizza. I took a slice and it was the best pizza ever.

"Is it just me or is this pizza fucking gold?"

"Oh it's the drugs-"


"No, the promethazine. It enhances your taste buds."

"Oh ok."

We talked and exchanged numbers.

"There I live a block down from here if you ever wanna come over."

"I'd be so dow- FUCK!" I said looking behind her

"What?" She asked turning her head

"My boyfriend. Come on."

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