43. Congratulations

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It was like 4 in the morning- ridiculously early for no reason. Me Tyler, and all of my co-workers and models were boarding the plane. The diversity was very pleasing, male models, female models, trans,  white, black, Hispanic, Aisan, ect. It was beautiful. Tyler sat next to me. 

"Just to let you know, I'm really proud of you." He said

"Thank you, it means a lot."

He kissed my forehead. 

"I'm just so glad I get to relax now, making them clothes was stressful."

He nodded his head. The plane took off and I stared out the window.

5 hours later

 We all got off the plane and caught rides to the hotel. It was a really fancy and expensive one, celebrities stay her all the time when they come to New York, and it's the hotel people stay at during Met Gala and all that other fancy stuff. We checked into our rooms and I left my luggage at the front door.

"Wow T, look at the view it's so pretty." I said going to the balcony

"For real." He agreed coming to stand next to me

"I'm tired, and hungry." I yawned

"We can order some food?"

"I want chick fil a."

"Me too. I can postmate some."


I walked over to the bed and plopped down. It was already 10 crazy. Tyler sat on the edge of the bed flipping through the channel's. 

"You wanna go shopping?" Tyler asked

"Nigga we JUST got here."


"So. I'm tired."

"But you always tired."

"Well sorry I don't go to sleep at 8 like a kindergartner."

"Whatever you're jealous I got a tight sleep schedule."

"As if." I scoffed.

I went on my phone and scrolled through insta for a hot minute. Eventually our food got here and we ate and I went back to sleep. Hours later my phone started ringing. It was one of the model's Katelyn.

K: Clementine

C: What's up is everything ok

K: I was trying on the dress again and it's really lose around the waist

C: Alright I'll head over what room you in

K: 1758

C: Alright I'm on my way

K: Ok

I hung up and got my thread and stuff.

"What's going on?" Tyler asked

"The dress is too loose around one of the models and I have to fix it. I'll be right back."


I walked out of our room and to Katelyn's. I knocked on the door and she opened it wearing the dress. Another model (Chloe) was staying with her too. I walked in examining the dress.

"Hey Clementine." Chloe said


"See like right here on the side." Kate pointed out 

I tug on the lose fabric and folded it inward so when I stitch it, it doesn't stick out. I got my threat and started to sew. A few minutes everything seemed amazing.

"Is it still too loose. Be honest."

"No It's perfect." She smiled


"Thanks Clem."

"Of course call me if there's anything else wrong ok?"

"I will."

"Good I'll see y'all later."

"Bye." They both said

I walked out closing the door behind me. I walked back to my room and there Tyler was with ketchup on his mouth eating his sandwich. I chuckled and walked towards him.

"You're food's in the bag." 

"Thanks T."

I wiped the ketchup off his mouth and as I pulled my hand away he pulled it back and sucked the ketchup off.

"I don't know if that was cute or nasty."

"It was cute. Don't lie."

I rolled my eyes while I chuckled and washed my hands in the bathroom. 

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