He grabbed my wrists and led me away from the car.

"Get off of me!"

I pulled my wrists away and he just stood still.

"How dare you take her side!"

"She kissed me!"

"But you certainly didn't pull back or push her off, I thought you loved me oh how foolish have I been?"


"How Long Colby?"


"Just fucking tell me how long?"

"A month."

"So the minute I left to go to work you ditched me and decided to cheat on me with some 20 year old from your coffee shop? Were you just making a coffee and she approached you? Could you have not kept it in your pants for a fucking month?"


"Your sorry, no you fucking aren't. You're meant to be a good husband, you promised me that. I'm done!"

"Don't drive while crying."

"Fuck off, go to actual hell. This was meant to be the happiest chapter of our lives but so far you've made it a living hell!"

I walked back to the car and sat inside, my kids noticed instantly that something wasn't right.

"Do you two wanna stay with Nia tonight?"


"Okay come on."

We walked back through the arena and luckily Nia was still here.

"Nia you couldn't do me a massive favour and look after these tonight?"

"Have you and Colby not sorted things through?"

"No, I don't want my kids seeing me like this. It'll only hurt them to know everything."

"Do you have their stuff?"

I waved two bags in the air and she smiled and took them from me.

"Come on kiddos let's go get into the irresistible mobile."

I walked up to catering to see if anyone was around, I spotted Ambrose so I made my way over.

"What you still doing here?"

He looked up at my face and his tone changed completely.

"Baby doll what's going on."

I sat next to him and told him everything, Dean as crazy as he is on tv he is genuinely one of the kindest guys in the business and knows how to give some good advice.

"I'll talk to him, it's not like him to cheat."

I rolled my eyes before speaking.

"Could you drive me back to the hotel?"

"Yeah, you look freezing wear this."

He handed me his leather jacket, I quickly put it on and felt so much warmer. We walked to his car and i shoved my suitcases in the boot before sitting upfront.

"It's like an hour away, do you want me to put on some music?"

"Yeah sure, as long as it's not something god awful."

He laughed at me and put on his playlist of his favourite songs, the first song was Show yourself from frozen two and he belted every line I found it very amusing.

"What you like the voice?"

"It's hilarious."

We pulled into a petrol station and I got out and pumped some gas, Dean went inside and came back out not long after with two coffees and a bag of Doritos.


"It's a latte with two sugars!"

"Just as I always have it."

I smiled at him and took a sip, we get back on the highway and the rest of the ride was quiet. We pulled up in the car park and I saw that Camila's car was here, I made my way into reception while Dean got the bags.

"Two interconnecting rooms pre booked under the name Lopez."

"I'm sorry Mrs Lopez but there appears to be a problem with one of the rooms, would you still like the one room."

I looked back at Dean and nodded my head, I'm sure Dean won't mind too much.

"Here's you key card and enjoy your stay!"

He followed me over to the lifts and I swiped the card, we both made our way inside and up to the fourth floor.

"Do you have my key card?"

"They only had one room, I think it's two bed because I did originally book for three of-."

Dean cut me off with a kiss, I wasn't expecting it but I didn't push him off. After a minute or so I disconnected our lips, I looked around the hall and saw Colby at the bottom of it. I just smirked before I pulled Ambrose into another kiss.

A/N: Ahhh here's chapter three! Hope you liked it and get ready for a little drama...

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