Episode 3 : Fear Creeping

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Not the best chapter btw❤

Jack tossed and turned in his sleep. He had been like this for hours and this habit picked up for nights. Seeing the images he kept behind in his head flashing before him. The ones reappearing with terrifying faces. The screams. The fear creeping.


Jack frowned i  his sleep

Another voice called. It was an older kid from his youth. He was getting punished for something. Jack tried to stop the sounds but they crept creaping at him.

Jack tossed

"You didn't really escape "

Now it was Crutchie. All bruised and broken. His smile gone as Jack looks through the window or the rotten building. The soul drained from it years ago.

Jack tried opening his eyes.

"I'll always be here"

The laugh. That horrid laugh. It can't be.

Before Jack woke up with sweat and panting he saw a face.

That face belonged to snyder.

---- intro music ---

Jack was sitting a box. He had his cap over his face as his friends were getting some papers. It was an alright day so far. He hoped it stays like it.

"Jackkk can we go now?" Les shook Jack to get him. He brushed the kid off complaining he wanted a little more rest. Jack sighed lying back down.  Les began asking questions which Jack stood up to ignore.

"I did have a nice rest. Just wanted to rethink stuff that's all" He scratched his head.

Those dream - if you could all them that -filled his head. Jack frowned knowing that he could forget about them before. But recently it's just been at his head. He hoped nothing else would remind him of anything.


"Hey Mr Weasel" Race smirked getting his papes. Race began making jokes towards the man. He mumbled before Raced asked "Hey, why do you never serve a nice joke back?"

Mr Weasel look at Race "I serve you, don't I?" The whole crowd of Newsies started to laugh. Race frowned before walking away.


"Hey Crutch '"

"Hey, we need to talk" Crutchie looked at Jack. He gave a wave saying he would be with Davey for the day. When looking at Davey his eyes filed with anxiety "It's about Jack"


"So it's nightmares?"

"Yes but it's more" Crutchie drank some water. They were sitting on some boxes near this cafe. They needed to talk in private. "Jack has gone through a lot you know"

Crutchie pasued before continuing "Things only few of us know. I don't even know all of it. He usually copes well with dreams. But lately I think it's gotten to the best of him"

Davey nodded thinking. He scratched his head "I glad ya told my, Crutchie. But..you know Jack. What are we gonna do? He will just get mad at us"

Crutchie shrugged suggesting they should at least try "There is no harm in trying is there?" 

Davey nodded thinking on what to ask Jack or how to help. He couldn't exactly stop dreams.


Sunshine and Race arrived back at the lodge. Being tired they both headed to the bunk room. What they didn't expect was a crowd of newsies shouting and cheering at two boys fighting one another.

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