Ep 2 Behind the scenes

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Sorry for taking so long :(

Btw it's really not good but needed to post

■■■Behing the scenes into music■■■

Kara and Jeremy laughing


Ben and Sky messing about making funny faces


Ben F and Andrew going over lines


Kara sits up on her chair. She says with a goofy vocie "So in this episode...Jack forgets a VERY importance day. Like it's the best day of the year


"Yeah Jack forgets Katherine's birthday " Jeremy slightly laughed. He then begin saying he shouldn't laugh as it is very "serious" situation.

"Yeah so Jack needs to think of a way to fix things"

(On Set)

Ben F is talking to the camera as he and his cast mets our standinf outside the hairdressers.  He begins saying about how Les needs a hair cut.

"It was funny because we have to push Les in...but we pushed him too hard and he fell down"


Matthew began laughing remembering "Ah yes...that was funny"


Andy and Iain pretend to be fighting as they wait to film


The cast all dancing in meddas theatre


Kara messing up her lines with Jeremy.


"Oh yeah Elmer is hiding stuff" Ben Cook began saying "So the newsies just follow him" Sky added "We're all kinda noisy aren't we?"


Anthony begins speaking "Yeah like I feel like Elmer really cares for people. But at times he cares a bit too much"


Andy and Julie are walking around in medda's theatre. They look at all the drawings "Fun fact: some of these are from fans" said Julie

"Also some cast and crew drew some" Andy looked at one of the drawings. It had a big heart around Romeo "As you can see they all love me"

"They missed spelt Sunshine"


Jeremy tripping on set


Julie laughing her head off with Ben F


Looking at the mirror Ben, Julie and Matthew are making funny faces. They're all having a contest who will win.

I know this one was really bad (ill update) but i needed to update this story and im really tired.

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