Chapter 13: Assassin's Vengeance

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"The Saboteurs torched their headquarters," Minerva whispered.

Kaolin nodded. Her eyes had turned gold from the last time Minerva had seen her. The chain that was barely visible at the neckline of her clothes probably held her heart stone. "I've been taking the odd job here and there for the minor guilds. Had bad blood with one nasty Saboteur in particular so I decided to disappear for some time."

Kaolin slid the short sword home into its sheath with a satisfied sigh. "All during my hiding stint there was one piece of information I held onto, even though I knew that it could set me up for life if I found the right buyer."

Minerva's mouth ran dry.

Kaolin's eyes glinted and Minerva recognized the expression reserved for when she'd hit upon the juiciest tidbit in the empire. "I found out," Kaolin said softly, "that the heir to the Pyro Empire was not only a Conclaver assassin, but the infamous Pale Viper herself."

Minerva whipped her sword out. Its sharp point quivered in the air inches from Kaolin's face. It's finally happened, I've been found out.

Kaolin slowly raised her arms up in a non-hostile gesture. "I'm not threatening you. When I considered all the buyers, I settled on selling the information to the source."

"At what price?" Minerva asked angrily. Though Kaolin was the one with a sword at her neck, Minerva felt as if she had been backed into a corner. She'd grown tired of losing control and being perceived as weak.

"You make me your maidservant. I'm Nola's great-niece so I have the necessary semi-golden bloodline." Kaolin gulped—her throat perilously flush with the sword's edge—for once appearing ill at ease.

Minerva hadn't thought of the issue of choosing a maidservant, though every noblewoman of marriageable age was expected to have one. It had always seemed like a distant event. Neither had she known Nola had a niece involved in guild machinations. "Why do you want the position?"

"I can help. Be an asset," Kaolin said in a rush. "I know secrets that you could use—"

"Those are reasons for why I would hire you, not why you want the job," Minerva argued.

Kaolin lowered her eyes. "A spy can't avenge their friends," she finally said, "not like an assassin can." Up until the moment she cleared her throat, Kaolin's voice held the unmistakable sound of someone fighting their hardest not to cry. "My price," she said firmly, "is vengeance. If my facts are straight—and they always are—then you're the best in the market for that commodity."

Minerva lowered her blade. "Maidservants need hand-to-hand combat experience."

"I have that. Nola enrolled me in private classes at the Imperial Academy this past year."

Minerva bit the inside of her lip. Kaolin's expertise as a spy made her an excellent candidate to be a maidservant—who would not only be required to tend to her mistress' physical needs and dress, but to her political reputation and well-being. Besides her penchant for listening in at the right keyholes, Kaolin possessed the uncanny talent for disguises, languages, and going unseen.

Minerva had worked with the woman before and knew her to be as trustworthy as guild life permitted. Kaolin didn't possess any outstanding vices, not like Charna or she herself had. Struggling to breath, Minerva pressed a hand to her side and sank to the floor. She needed time to think.

"What's your real name?" Minerva asked.

"Kaolin Hyrelle," the spy answered.

"Your Enclaver name ...?"

Kaolin shook her head, a rueful smile tugging at her mouth. "Dead to you now. I abandoned it and didn't feel like making another. They don't ask for a name when hiring minor commissioners."

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