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[M/N][L/N] P.O.V

"Oh good morning Ace" I mumbled sleepily.

"Mmm, no. Five more minutes." Ace said yawning before sleeping again. Laughing lightly, I got up and out of bed despite Ace whining for me to get back in. Sure, I was sleepy but I wanted to go get some food first thing first. Wandering off, I headed into the kitchen where Thatch was cooking there. He noticed me and grinned before planting a kiss to my forehead. We both turned a bit red at that. He bashfully smiled before offering a plate of delicious food. Thanking him, I went to the rather large table and sat down. Thatch watched me eat while listening to me talk about yesterday.

"Ahaha, so you got lost huh? Hey, at least you came back safely! Anyways, how's the food? Did I cook well? I've been trying to follow your cooking so it's more... suited to humans."

"Yeah! You did! It's amazing! Wait- where do you guys eat souls?"

"They're sold at the market but most are grey so they don't taste all that nice. That's why everyone in the Whitebeard Pirates likes your soul the most! Only Pops doesn't eat from you cause he's a bit scared he'll eat too much."

"I can see why..."

"Yeah, so what are you planning on doing today? Raiding?"

"Most likely. It's fun and I like it when dad gets happy!" I smiled.

"Too bright!" Thatch gushed.

Eating up, I devoured the food in front of me before Haruta and Vista came in to hand me new places I could go to. There was one in a library and a convenient store. There were in total around ten places I could visit. Eagerly, I got up to get ready after thanking everyone in the room. Running in my room, I got ready while Ace still slept. I changed before heading outside into the hallways before Whitebeard stopped me by calling me into the throne room.

"You'll be going to half of the new places with the Brat Crew." Whitebeard said rather seriously.

"Brat? You mean Shanks?" I questioned

"Yes, Marco suggested it would make our relationship with them better and I believe so. If you don't want to then you can refuse." Whitebeard offered.

"No, I uh pretty sure I can do this. Uh..."

"Gurarara! That's my son! I'm sure Shanks will be there at the first stop."

"Alright..bye bye, uh I'm gonna miss you dad."

In return at my words, Whitebeard let a smile coat his face before waving me goodbye. Marco accompanied me there and gave me a ride to the location. It was cool to fly over the city even if it was just a shadow of its former glory. When we arrived, Shanks was there to greet us with Benn. There were some other members and it took some persuasion to let Marco leave me with them. He seemed calm but there was definitely some deadly intent under that calm smile.

"It's okay! Leave the bookworm to me!" Shanks laughed, patting my shoulder.

"Uh... Please trust Shanks, there was no point in rescuing me before but he did so you can trust him. I'll be home before dinner so it'll be all alright." I reassured gently.

"Fine-yoi. Just be extra careful. Pops considers him a brat for a reason-yoi."

"I will." I agreed.

Reluctantly, Marco took off to the to the sky and everyone watched as he flew off before Shanks turned to me with a grin and tried hugging me. Benn held him back thankfully and we went on our way to the locations. We used the underground sewage system despite how bad it smelled because we didn't want the chance of being spotted. It was odd to see Shanks serious when the mission was going. I made good use of myself by being the one to find the important files left behind so it only took two hours before we were finally done.


"Uh.. who's tummy was that?" I asked.

"Sorry bookworm, I haven't eaten yet." Shanks apologised with a grin.

"That's cause you drank too much alcohol and got drunk!" Benn argued

"Oh... I'm willing to let you have a small bite, if you want?" I offered.

"Really?! Thanks, you're a lifesaver!" Shanks thanked me.

Just by jabbing a finger to my chest, I felt lightheaded and dizzy. Benn held onto me so I wouldn't fall over and even gave me some juice once Shanks ate. He also whacked Shanks again for not eating yesterday. I thanked him before getting up. Yasopp offered a piggyback ride but someone else chimed in saying he was too weak. The first half went smoothly after that before I got dropped off the last four location that they couldn't go in since it was just too risky for them but I knew it was safe for me.

"See you guys soon uh bye!" I headed off.

Going down the dark hall with a flashlight, I managed to get past the enchanted barbed wire that prevented Demon and Angels from entering. I found a stairway heading upstairs and followed it. It led into an abandoned throne room which was dark with light filtering in from the sun. It gave off an eerie vibe and I shuddered so I hurried up and got the last five documents from all the different locations. Sometime, I heard footsteps while I was outside in the garden area.

Being quiet, I lightened my footsteps and snuck away from the man I saw the other day that had 'Death' tattooed onto his fingers. That same Demon that had weird abilities with the blue room and I left before I could wonder how he got there. He noticed me but only watched as I left with a smirk that made me shiver. Quickly, I rushed back out of the hole in barbed wire to Shanks's crew with the correct documents in hand. They were there chatting to each other before they spotted me and congratulated me. We left afterwards with Shanks making a portal to hop through to the front of the Whitebeard Palace.

"Wait... how did you-"

"Magic. I could show you some better type of magic since there's chemistry between us" Shanks smiled and flirted.

"U-uh, sorry but I'm too inexperienced for you. It's not far if only I get enjoyment out of the relationship. It should be a two way street." I denied Shanks.

"Aw! You're so adorable and wholesome. My heart is bursting with you, love."

Shanks continued to flirt making steam come out of my ears as my face went beat red. One of my hand was waving hastily in front of my face to deny his words as my mouth was unable to get any words out. In the process, I nearly dropped my book and documents but Shanks didn't stop flirting. Benn tried warning him while I trembled and became all awkward which made the crew laugh at my cuteness.


"Oh no. The poor kid passed out. See Shanks? This is why I told you to stop teasing the poor thing when he was already red but you never listen do you?"

A/N: Fact, (M/N) felt too awkward that he passed out from the flirting and he is aware that Shanks is flirting. He's not dense but an awkward person at this. Second fact, Law managed to get in by using his Room and Shambles. Thanks for reading!

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