Sweet little Charlie

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Willy Wonka's POV
My eyes travelled from child to child, none of them looked promising until I saw him. He had deep brown eyes that I could stare into forever, they reminded me of a puppy dog, dark chocolaty brown hair that fell into his equally beautiful eyes. He was short but he looked sweet and so so so cute. The curve of his mouth, the slope of his nose, his light pink lips. Everything about the small boy was perfect. I wanted to run to him, pick him up and make him mine. My future rushed before my eyes, flowing like a river. We were in a field with a picnic, we were wearing black suits I slipped a ring onto his finger, I sat at a table eating dinner, a toddler sat across from me and the boy spooned food into a baby's mouth.
I was snapped out of my deep thought when a child spoke up.
"Who is that?"
"He's Willy Wonka." The old man next to the boy told everyone. We all spoke for a little while before I lead them into my factory.
All the children ran up to me and introduced themselves, except for the boy. I leant his name was Charlie, a perfect name for a perfect boy.
I explained to everyone that I needed my factory to be warm because that was the climate my workers were used to. Sweet little Charlie asked a question
"Who are the workers?"
Word vomit bubbled in my mouth, I wanted to tell him everything he wanted to know he deserved to know everything, but I contained myself.
"All in good time."
Charlie's POV
Mr Wonka's eyes were so gorgeous, a pretty violet colour. I had never seen anyone like him. I was captivated by him. He had a good clothing style, everything fitted him well and he zoned out a lot, I found him interesting and instantly wanted to know more about him. I asked a question just so I could here his cute high pitched voice and his sweet little giggle. He answered with a simple reply but my heart swelled with love for him.
Sorry it was a bit short I don't have any ideas but I really wanna update so I'm just writing what comes to mind. Again, sorry if it's terrible

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