CH. 3 New introductions

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I exclaim loudly plopping down on my back. Even though I was just terrified, I cant keep the smile from my face.

"Hmm, i guess we could be related, seeing that idiotic grin you have plastered on." -Adam

"Shut up, at least my smile is not horrifically giant like yours!" -???

Adam turns up his nose but doesn't seem interested in bantering anymore.

He just sits there and tries to get a feel for his new body.

I also keep quiet, seeing as how smiles is back it feels like i am laying on a cloud, instead of metal.

Once thirty minutes pass, smiles..I mean Adam, seems to have gotten completely used to his new body.

"You really put all the bells and whistles on this thing, granted its a trash can compared to my creators design, but, it's still an impressive piece." - Adam

"....Did you check out how far down that hole goes?" - ???

"No why?" -Adam

"No reason, just come here for a second" -???

"Huh?!?! What are you doing?!?! LET ME GO!! AAAAAAAHHHHH, THATS SCARY!! TIME OUT, TIME OUT!!" -Adam

I am furiously trying to push him into the hole. Bastard, "trash" he says?!?! Well, only one place to toss it!!!


"Awe shucks smiles, you didn't have to say allllll thaaaaat...☺" -????

"Why did I have to save you? A true psycopath, what has my creator made? And its Adam you squishy buttlick!!" -Adam

I pretend not to hear him, but I just thought of it now, what was my name?

"Hey.... Adam😑, what was my name? I couldnt find anything while we were in the main room." -???

"You don't have one....." -Adam

".....What do you mean i don't have one?!?!" -???

"DID I GLITCH DUMMY?! YOU, DONT, HAVE, A, NAME!!! The entire planet was being destroyed, making you took up the literal capacity of all thought, names were secondary." -Adam

Just when I was about to ask why is it that he has a name Adam continues.

"I was created at the beginning, it wasn't as intense then, it wasn't until the humans experienced multiple failures and was being brought to extinction." -Adam

I guess I can't really say anything, the more I learn about my body the more amazed I am. Like welding the bridge, all I had to think of was a hot fire and my hand transformed into a welding tool.

I have tried reading through some of my programs, but its just a tool kit.

I dont really know what I was supposed to be, but I also notice a auto repair program, its at 75%.

I guess I'm still damaged from the tansfer earlier. It shows I have 2 more days until I'm fully repaired, so I should keep that in mind for the things I do in the future.

Well I am going to figure it out eventually so there's no reason to ruminate on it too much.

"Hey Adam, got any suggestions on a good name for me?" -???

"Arse?" -Adam

I slap him across the head, making a loud gonging noise.

"I am not apart of the equidae family." -???

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