The deals of the demon busi nessmen

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he 3 feet tall demon businessmen wanted the school for themselves "we will protect the school for 2 years from any ghost going into the school, as long as you let us take one person each week to use their bodies and become them forever"said demon bussinessman #1 in an accent. "1 per month" Sarah was negotiating. "Every other day!" "No! Fine..One per week" "oh and when the year is up we get the school" " I am gonna go back now.." said Sarah awkwardly.she left the room she could barely fit in.
Tony was running up to Sarah and grabbed her shoulder. "What..happened...?" Sarah ignored him. He clearly was confused. She opened the door to her locker and took out a book. Then it hit her. She had opened her planner and saw today was the day that the demon businessmen wanted the school. She quickly looked at Tony and grabbed him like she was gonna shake him. "Tick tock" said a familiar voice. Sarah and Tony looked at the entrance and a portal appeared. Came out some 4 foot demon businessmen who came with saws. "School. Now."people started to panic and there came off her clothes as she fell into the ground. "Take this!" Sarah came up again with a knife and stabbed the beast. "Ow! What the heck bro!!" Tony saw Gabriella being held by her neck next to the science lab. "STOP!" Yelled a raspy voice coming from Gabriella. He grabbed the fire extinguisher and hit the demon in his head. It fell over and Tony held Gabriella's hand and threw her at the boys bathroom making her fall into the room. "Hide!" He said as she ran into the third stall. As Tony made his was into the bathroom he got attacked by a really small one. "Take this"said a surprisingly deep voice. Tony hit it with his extinguisher and it disinigrated. He ran into the bathroom tossing the extinguisher to gabriella and he ripped off the toilet seat and held it like a weapon then felt silly.
Sarah appeared from the floor covering PLACES. "We gotta get out" she said and Tony nodded to gabriella and she nodded back. As they ran for the door a tall male WALKED through the door. He had a black tailcoat and black hair with a suitcase and had a horn on the left top corner of his head. Sarah flew up to him and said "waddya want buddy?" "Three words, to kill you" and in one swift motion she sound the knife she had and he dodged and hit her with the suitcase WHENN she fell to the floor. Tony broke the seat when hitting him with it. The demon fell back and so did Tony. Gabriella used the extinguisher and started beating him with it. Blood spewed everywhere. Tony and Gabriella WALKED a few feet outside when they saw a whole school of dead bodies. Sarah got up and said "you IDIOTS. You kill a demon, your sent to hell." "How do we get out?!" Whined Gabriella. "We get to see the devil himself." She threw up her arms when she said that."first could you get dressed?" "Sure! I'll put on the clothes we LEFT IN THE REAL WORLD!!"Gabriella stepped in front of Tony and said "why are you being so rude?This boy is in love with you and you know that but your still acting like that?i'd rather have him love Ari Canshocki (who is the ugliest, stupidest girl in school) than your mean self" Tony's face went deep red."...really?"her face also went deep red."YES~!" Sarah opened her mouth then disappeared into the wall. Then Tony went forward and started for the door.sarah came out still her face deep red and followed him and when Gabriella dashed past them both and opened the door.. they saw a huge red guy sitting on a huge throne. "Alright what do you want?" Said the man "let us free!!!!" Said Sarah. "Yeah yeah whatever go on ahead" that was easier then they thought."just kidding! YOUR not going anywhere. When he got up and flourished towards a stage and when he opened the curtains they saw...

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