V2 Ch10: "Reconnaissance"

Start from the beginning

Oobleck: "Young lady, what could you possibly have in that bag that would be so important as to-"

The next several minutes were such a cluster fuck of random events, one of which being Ruby hiding Zwei in her backpack and Oobleck being completely stellar about it. All in all, Y/n deemed it to be way too much to follow, and decided to look closer at their surroundings.

It almost sent chills down his spine to look around the dead city of Mountain Glenn. Its almost exactly what he imagined it would be like. Larger buildings still mostly stood, but were broken and beaten, while the smaller stores and houses were more destroyed and overgrown with the passage of time. It gave him a very S.T.A.L.K.E.R feeling.

The city most certainly wasn't as dead as it seemed though. He could feel another presence. Whether it be the Grimm, or something else, he couldn't tell. He knew he didn't like it though.

His thoughts were forcefully interrupted however as he reflexively turned his head towards the sound of gunfire, noticing that the rest of his team was now engaging a small pack of Beowulves.

Seeing as he had no melee weapon for now, he began using his handcanon to lay heavy fire from a distance, successfully managing to kill a pack of six Beowulves that were drawn out of a nearby building with all the noise, practically blowing their heads off.

Considering there weren't many of the poor Grimm to begin with, the fight was over with fairly quickly, the team regrouping with their teacher as Ruby triumphantly rested Crescent Rose on her shoulder.

Ruby: "Hah! Piece of cake!"

Oobleck: "Don't celebrate yet. Im certain this will only be the first bout of many. Shall we continue?"

And continue they did.

All. God. Damn. Day.

Several hours later

Eight Beowulves wildly charge Y/n as he is separated from the team during a fight, closing distance rapidly, but not fast enough as quick and precise gunfire easily drops five of the large monsters. The closest of the remaining three leaps at the lone boy with a guttural roar, but instead catches the ground as in a shadowy mist, Y/n evades the monsters attack, proceeding to roundhouse kick the confused Grimm into one of its pack members, cruahing both of them with the force of the blow.

As the last Beowulf charges forward with murderous drive, Y/n holsters his handguns beating his arms once on his chest, challenging the beast. The Grimm lunges and swings a claw at the boy, but he catches the arm and quickly grabs the large arm, twisting it upside down and restricting the beast.

With an upward heave, the monsters arm snaps with a loud crunch. Its howl of pain is silenced however as Y/n headbutts the ferocious creature hard enough to send it to the floor. The still ravenous beast writhes on the floor, snapping its massive jaws at the boy, who stands above the creature, slowly and carefully reloading his revolver. Once finished, the creature of darkness is swiftly executed as Y/n smashes its head with a heavy stomp, watching the creature begin to disintegrate as he holsters his gun once more with an elegant spin.

Y/n: "Never know when to give up, do ya?"

Oobleck: "As a matter of fact, they do not."

Looking to his right, he is met by none other than the doctor, who appears to have been watching the entire ordeal.

"Is there a reason for the use of such brutality in your fighting style Mr. L/n?"

Finally turning away from the almost dissolved corpse of the Grimm, Y/n watches as his team finishes off the rest of the large pack with relative ease.

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