V2: Ch3: In The Rear With The Gear

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(Wattpad is making things extremely difficult with all these glitches goin on right now but I'm doin my best to work through them!)


3rd Person Pov

Grimm studies lecture hall, Friday

Proffesor Port placed calmly I'm the front of the lecture hall as he continued to attempt to educate his students with one of his more..."eccentric" stories. Most of the class actually seemed to be enjoying his story, as while they were most definitely embellished, they were quite entertaining. And there indeed was some knowledge to be gleaned from the tales.

Several students however were particularly distracted, most notably team RWBY with an impatient Blake, Yang not paying any attention, Ruby dozing in her seat, and Y/n getting lost in his own thoughts over leather or traditional dusters.

(Its best you dont ask)

For the sake of not making the team look insane, The Kindred chose to hide themselves to reduce the risk.

Weiss was sat in her spot, staring at her scroll on her desk which was open on her desk and reading 3:59. She watched with frustrated impatience for the bell to ring, so of course, Jaune took this time to try and make a move. He slid up beside her, and began to speak as Weiss tried her hardest not to have a stroke.

Jaune, the hopeless romantic he is, admittedly tried his best.

Jaune: "So, Weiss, y'know, uh, I-I was thinking after this, maybe we could go grab a bite to eat?"

Jaune turns to face the teacher for a moment in order to make sure he hadn't noticed, but the proffesor was still lost in his tale.

"And, uh um, I-I've got two tickets to that new Spruce Willis movie, if you wanna make the trip to Vale. I hear it's awesome."

Y/n does his best not to lose his shit at the similarity of the actors name to one earth as Jaune pauses for a moment as his words continue to have no effect on the ice queen, before he gives it one last try.

"Aaaand maybe after that, we could study together? I mean, you're smart and I'm, uh... Y'know."

In a few, almost audible seconds of waiting, a shrill ring ran through the room as her clock changed to 4:00. Proffesor Port was interrupted in his story telling by the familiar sound of the bell signaling the end of the class.

Port: "And then I-Oh. Timed that one wrong, I guess. The stunning conclusion to this story will have to wait! Until next time!"

Jaune watched as Weiss packed up her scroll and got ready to leave. Just before she did, Jaune made one last attempt to get even a word out of the heiress.

Jaune: "Weiss? Did you hear me?"

She didnt even stop walking away as she wandered all of his questions at once.

Weiss: "No, no, no, yes."

With a colossal groan of anguish and crushed dreams, Jaune faceplanted hard into his desk as the rest of team RWBY walked by behind him. Yang didnt even bat an eyelash, ruffling his hair as they walked by.

Yang: "One day."

Team RWBY Dorm

Blake stepped into the center of the dorm room as she tightened the wraps on her arms. Team RWBY was in varying states as they prepared for their big night out, all of them in different outfits for the occasion. Ruby and Weiss were currently sitting on their beds waiting, Yang was lying on her side on her bed totally chilling, and The Kindred watched with peculiar interest from the corner of the room.

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