chapter 9: Initiation

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(Spent most of the last two days steeling myself for the initiation because theres a lot to cover here. It might stretch into two chapters for more character plot but I'm not solid on that right now. Hope you enjoy!)


Y/n Pov




???: "Y/n..."



???: "Yyyyyy/nnnnn...


???: "Y/N!!!!!"

Y/n: "AAAAH!!!" I yelled as I sprung up from my place on the floor in fright. I looked around me slowly and lethargicaly. There was someone standing over me...but I couldnt make anything else out. I rubbed my eyes to clear the blurriness, but when I looked up I still couldnt see very clearly, although I could tell that whoever's this was was in their pajamas...and not very happy. I looked at my hands and noticed I could see them just fine. "Hmmm...maybe."

???: "Are you okay? You seem out of it..." I ignored the figure as I held my hands in front of me and gathered the shadows into the shape glasses. "What's with those?" I once again ignored the figure as I placed my glasses on my face and looked up.

Y/n: "Aaah...much better. I guess these things will get their use after all. Good morning Ruby!" I said as I looked to the now recognizable Ruby Rose, standing in the middle of an empty ballroom in her pajamas. Well...empty except for the two of us. "Where is everyone?" Ruby crossed her arms and pouted at me.

Ruby: "Everybody else is already getting ready for initiation! Luckily they moved it back an hour for some reason so weve still got time...but I've spent that extra hour here! Trying to wake up you!" She scolded, still pouting and stomping her foot slightly at the end of her sentence. I tried to hold back my amusement of her little outburst...but I was failing. "What's so funny!" She questioned me, placing her hands on her hips. I let out a few short chuckles as I stood up from my spot on the floor and faced her.

Y/n: "hehehe...sorry rosebud...y'know your kinda cute when you pout like that." I said, ruffling her hair. Once I stopped she seemed pretty flustered, which was honestly adorable. She composed herself slightly though and spoke.

Ruby: "W-whatever! *sigh* Anyways what's up with you today? You seem awfully happy, and you normally wake up before I do. Also, glasses? Since when?" She questioned as she threw me a puzzled look. I gave her a simple and genuine smile as I responded.

Y/n: "Honestly? Last night has got to be the best sleep I've had since...well ever. I'm kind of an insomniac so getting a good nights sleep like that is super refreshing." I clarified as I stretched my body, getting a few satisfying pops in the process. "And didnt I tell you? I used to wear glasses when I was alive. We didnt know I needed then till I was 17 and a like a month before I died. I dont know why I need them again all of a sudden but i think its temporary. Plus it feels...nice to wear them again." I finished stretching and looked back at her. She was giving off a warm smile, seemingly happy with the awnser.

Ruby: "*giggles* Well that's good that you slept well. We're gonna need our energy today. Now c'mon let's get going, Yang said she would be waiting by our lockers." And with that said, she set off towards the door of the empty ballroom. I watched her go for a bit before following. After walking through the halls of Beacon academy for a moment, we came to a large locker room filled with students preparing for the initiation. Ruby got her combat gear and changed while I waited around the corner of another set of lockers. I'm not a creep okay? Once Ruby was done she fetched me and we set off in search of Yang and our lockers where the girl's weapons were stored.

Just A Shadow (RWBY male reader insert)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя