A New Friend

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A week later

"Come on, (Y/N)! Let's go!" Nejire excitedly exclaimed, pulling on her friend's arm.

(Y/N) laughed and shook of Nejire's grip. "Okay, okay, Nejire. Calm down."

"I'm sorry. I'm just excited that my two friends get to meet! And we can be a trio!" The bubbly girl was basically bouncing all over the bakery. She had been waiting all week for this day and now that it has finally come she couldn't contain her happiness.

"Alright, let's go. I hope I can get along with this friend of yours," (Y/N) said, slightly nervous.

"It's fine. He may be shy, but he's a really nice person," Nejire responded with a reassuring smile.

(Y/N) sighed but nodded her head. Her friend took ahold of her arm again and she allowed herself to be pulled along. After a couple of minutes of being dragged around the village, the two girls finally arrived at the pine tree where (Y/N) and Nejire met. When they finally got to the top, (Y/N) noticed a boy up in a low branch. He was fiddling with his fingers until he noticed your presence. He jumped down and nervously smiled.

Nejire let go out your arm and ran towards the boy. "Tamaki! Hi! How are you?"

"I-I'm doing fine," he responded, still on edge because someone he didn't know was there. He kept his indigo eyes on the (H/C)-haired girl before him.

Nejire gave him a bright smile and said, "Okay, that's good. I want you to meet (Y/N)! We met last week but we're pretty much well-acquainted with each other already."

(Y/N) tried give a warm smile but the anxiety over meeting a new person was heavy on her and the smile turned out nervous like the indigo-haired boy's. "H-Hi. I'm (Y/N) (L/N). But please call me (Y/N)."

"Nice to meet y-you, (Y/N). I'm T-Tamaki."

"Yay! You're getting along already! I'm so happy!" Nejire squealed.

We just said our names, though... (Y/N) thought. That's not really what you call getting along, is it? All we know about each other is what to call each other. And why did his voice sound slightly familiar?

"Hey, Tamaki, don't you like sweets?" Nejire asked him.

"Y-Yeah, I do..." he responded.

"Well, (Y/N) works in a bakery with her parents!" She faced (Y/N). "She's actually really good at baking, too."

"Y-You run a bakery? And you can bake?" Tamaki said to (Y/N). There was a slight sparkle in his eyes.

(Y/N) looked down, flustered. "Yeah, I do..."

"(Y/N), can we go there? I think it would be a fun to talk over eating desserts," suggested Nejire.

"Oh, um, okay. I could bake the desserts? Just for the both of you..." (Y/N) offered.

"I-I think that's a nice idea. Thank you, (Y/N)," Tamaki said, giving his new friend a small but genuine smile.

(Y/N) felt her face heat up. She scratched her head. "It's nothing if it's for friends."

"That's really kind of you, (Y/N)! Do you want to go now?" Nejire asked.

(Y/N) nodded. "Sure. I'll lead the way."


Please have mercy on me. Writer's block has really hit me hard and I tried to do my best for this chapter. 😔

I hope that this predicament will be gone and I can write longer chapters, but for now, I apologise for it being shorter once again.

And I just wanted to add:
August 1 is Jiro's birthday so I wanted to greet her, so why not here! Happy birthday to the amazing music girl! 🥳🎉

Well, it's actually passed her birthday where I am but still.

That's all I have to say right now so I'll see everyone in the next chapter!

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