[𝟺] this is war

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I'm so ecstatic about the fact that this is the team's first win and I'm in it. It's currently one of the happiest moments I have in America. It's not like I have any happy memory here ever since I arrived but my heart is full and I'm genuinely thrilled. I have always loved football. I've played with a team before but it was ended abruptly because we had to move here.

We said our goodbyes and Coach McLaren personally commended me for playing at my best. I grab my backpack and notice Sam is still seated at the bleachers, looking stupid with that water filled plastic bag. I specifically told her to get rid of it.

"What are you still doing with that?" I ask, wiping the sweat from my forehead.

"You gave it to me, right?" She smiled sweetly at me and I almost forgot she openly admitted she has a crush on me during lunch time. I don't want to lead her on and told her I don't like her back but she sticks around.

Booker and Nile followed behind me, asking me if I'll ride home. Nile's Dad will pick him up.

"Sam, it's dead. I told you to get rid of it."

"What?" Her face turned sour and looked at the plastic bag. She stomps her way to one of the trash bins and dumped the plastic inside. I shake my head, still astounded at how she's behaving.

Josephine's fish is floating dead when I came over. Her Dad called me to help him with something and mentioned Jonah wasn't around. I helped and noticed the poor fish is unmoving. So, I scooped it out in a plastic bag I asked from Stephen and offered to get rid of it. We were called out early for warm-ups and since Sam & Cheska follows us around, I handed it to her. I still can't believe she held onto it all throughout the game.

"That girl's so into you, bro." Booker chuckled and I did the same.

Once Nile's Dad parked out front and honked for us, we all ran and hopped in and talked about our favorite moments in the game.


I spent the weekend mostly listening to music and peeking behind the attic window, looking at what Josephine's doing in that hideous jungle of hers. I hate to admit it but I think I'm enjoying at how miserable and weird she looks. Phoebe even bought me that newly released PlayStation so I can enjoy myself on the weekends. Her words, not mine. I mostly just enjoy laying on my bed, space out for hours and just listen to whatever random music I kept in my iPod. Just another thing my mom bought for me. I still wait for my mother's call. It comes but mostly it doesn't.

My hand glides over the circle adjusting the volume when a faint guitar rift comes in. I love listening to music with really good instrumentals, it kind of sets the mood.

"Hello, handsome." Phoebe knocks on my open door, smiling at me.

I removed my earphones and nod at her. She wore some plain black tee and some faded jeans she always wear when at home. I think it's her day off that's why she's still here. For the few months I've been in America, I'm starting to realize that she's is really trying her hardest to make me live comfortable here. She searched for all the restaurants offering British food so I can have them on speed dial delivery.

With only the two of us at home, her salary is more than enough. It's not like Mom is not sending her anything at all. I know she does and she's doing her best to stay connected but I can't help but feel far away from her moreso now. She never calls me. It's either she's passing a message from Phoebe to me. It's become that case these days.

"Congratulations on your win last Friday. Your Mom said she wished she was here to see you play."

I feel my heart sunk at her words. Mom can't even say that to me over the phone. She would always just be on the phone for three seconds and gone again. I always looked forward to the time that she'll call me but feel so disappointed about how she can't even say "congratulations" over the phone when I'm telling her about playing in the football team for so long now. I always loved sports, physical activities and she loved that about me. At least, that's what she said.

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