'Little One'

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Could be heard in the forest where a 5 yr old little girl with a purple dress was looking around bushes and trees, she was unusual to the place. Confused on why there wasn't the smell of Angels ((corpses with ADAM-))

She had a mental conditioning on her, She was..a Gatherer a human experiment, designed well.. to gather by that to recycle blood from corpses at the bottom of the sea city called, Rapture.

Blood with genetic material called ADAM to change what God gave you, it made man manipulate fire, electricity, bees and other incredible things.

Being a Gatherer or a 'Little Sister' meaning she was implanted by an ADAM sea slug which she could make ADAM 20 percent better than the sea slug made.

Everyone needed it and Everyone despretely wanted it, and the idea for that she had a protector. In a metal giant suit called the Big Daddy, he had a massive drill for a right hand and had biochemical headlights indicating their moods and it's only purpose was to protect Little Sisters.

But indeed he couldn't protect the young little girl in the forest being submerged alone.

But she didin't grow up like this, she used to have a name, a family and ofcourse a happy childhood until...Rapture 'needed' her, 'who needs a child to save Rapture anyway?'

She looked around despretely looking for her protector or as she called 'Mr. Bubbles' due to its biochemical 'eyes' which were only 10 circled lights around its 'Face' She was Mentally conditioned to care and only need her protector meaning she would be startled by any stranger at all.

Night falls and the Little One was still all alone in the cold forest with owls hooting softly the wind softly brushing against the trees and leaves until...

A drunk man decided to take a stop at the forest which was called 'Deadly' for that matter. He got off his car shutting the door hardly before walking tipsy to the forest must be to cool off or make a fool of himself.

The Little One quickly ran off with it's ADAM extraction tool which she used to extract the blood from the corpse laying all around the sea city. Hearing the footsteps but she had nowhere to hide.

"What the fUc*hic* was that?" The man said throwing off his half empty bottle on the grass, the Little One quickly backed away falling on it's butt crawling worriedly. She never liked strangers neither good or bad, as she experienced being hurt in the sea

The man then looked confused grabbing the girl by it's arm, he looked at her then scoffed raising a brow  "Why you're A little *hic* freak aren't cha!?"

He looked at her skin which was grey and her glowing yellow eyes, she screamed trying to pull her arm away from him.

"NOone's gonna hear you scream YOU LITTLE BRAT!" he yelled hitting her..

It was then quiet when a tendril wrapped around the man's neck making him choke rising up from the ground.

Slenderman's P.O.V ((i'm...alittle rusty-))
I was out hunting for the night and since i needed a break from doing paper work and staying at my office from time to time, I did make sure to get it all done. I began to teleport around the forest looking for the 8 pages to check if any foolish human tried to take it. Until i heard a small scream.

I quickly teleported to the sound and saw a Little Girl with a human, unusual place for a child to be here. I obeserved them patiently until the human hit the little one. I had to take action taking my tendril to his neck. Choking him tighter as he rose up from the grass.

I saw the Little one holding her cheek which made me snap the human's neck off throwing him on the floor away from the child, My tendrils then began to retract back.

I quickly teleported to the little one looking down at her before i bent down to her height. She had, Yellow eyes and light grey skin.. definetly not human.. I quickly offered her hand but she was still whimpering trying to back away.

'It's okay Little One, i'm not going to hurt you' I said through her mind. She looked at me worriedly.

I saw she had a huge bruise on her arm, must be from the human grabbing her tightly, before i could talk her skin started to make a goldish yellow glow and the bruise was no more. she healed herself...Interesting..

I then offered my hand closer to her. She had small movements before she gently placed her small hand against mine.

I slowly stood up helping her up aswell, she quickly patted her somehow dirty and bloody purple dress, taking some sort of tool with a baby bottle with red substance behind her, holding it against her right hand.

'What is your name Little One?'

She looked up at me worriedlt before shaking her head yawning softly

"Time for Beddy by Mr. B" She said rubbing her eyes and fixing her brown hair to the side which was in a ponytail.

'Hm, Mr. B? I guess i have to call you Little One before i know more then.' I thought to myself 'I should take her back to the mansion'

'I'm not Mr. B Little One, My name is Slenderman but, you can call me Slendy' i 'said' she looked up at me once more "I like you Mr. Slendy" she giggled.

Shequickly pulled out an unusual doll, It seems like she made it herself "This is Mr.B!" She smiled holding the doll up.

Looking down at her, 'smiling'  before she started closing her eyes often tripping alittle.

I then softly picked her up against my chest where she snuggled herself in and began to fall asleep ((i know Little Sisters obviously sleep when they go to the vent but ehhh)) and began teleporting off to the mansion.

I did make sure i didin't go to the living room entrance so the Little One wouldn't be startled awake by Jeff, Ben and somehow Toby i could hear their yelling outside the front door. So i made my way the back door softly placing down the Little One in my office couch where she could peacefully rest.

Until i saw those bruices and cuts around her arms and legs, I never seen any child or anyone for that matter who had grey skin and yellow eyes not only that veins with golden yellow color glow then heals off any new wounds, But i do know she's only a child.

((WELP..Welcome to my old phase kiddies, and yes i was once a creepypasta fan myself, although i stopped and then returned, ALSO Little Sister isin't an oc, it's a bunch of children from Bioshock and NO she is not a mary sue and NO she isin't unkillable and NO she is not powerful, like i said Harvest meant killing, and if you're a Bioshock fan you'd know how to kill Little Sisters. That is...if you're souless as fu- welp Johnny Johnny Topside out- also, if you do like this book please tell me ;^; ))

((This is also the pic of the Little One aka Little Sister))

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