He arrived there with her fists clenching on his t-shirt. She was shaking in his arm.

"Call Tsunade and tell her to go to Sakura's office! Now!"


Without a look for the receptionist, he marched towards her office. He locked the door behind him to make sure that no one was going to see her like this. When he turned around he could see Sakura holding back her tears. He sat next to her and took her hand.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"No." She stood up and opened one of the drawer in the room. She came back with a syringe and a liquid. "This will make me sleep. You tell Lady Tsunade what is happening."

"Is the voice bothering you?"

He didn't get a reply so he continued speaking. Maybe if he kept her mind busy she wouldn't hallucinate.

"Why do you want to sleep?"

"So you don't have to worry about me for the moment."

He had nothing to disagree with so he didn't say anything. It was safer if she was asleep until Tsunade knew what to do.

Five minutes later her head fell on his shoulder. He lovingly kissed her forehead. "Everything will be fine. Don't worry." he didn't know if he was trying to make himself feel better or her. He heard a loud knock on the door and lay Sakura on the examination table. He opened the door and found a panting Tsunade behind it.

"What the hell is happening?!"

"Something. You need to help me find what is happening, but something is happening."

Her eyes moved past his shoulders and he knew that she had seen Sakura. She pushed him out of the way and he nearly lost his balance. Damn them and their annoying strength.

"Why is she unconscious?!"

"She did that to herself. She didn't want us to have to deal with her."

He realized that his choice of words were completely wrong. Now she was thinking that Sakura had killed herself or something.

"Excu- and you let her do that?!"

"She is fine. She just made herself sleep."


"If you let me form more than one sentence I could tell you."

He saw how angry she seemed and it amused him a bit. She was very similar to Sakura in a lot of ways. Sakura was more similar to Tsunade than she was to her mom.

"Remember the first time that she had a nervous breakdown? I found her cleaning her kitchen obsessively in her emptied apartment."

"I remember that. Naruto told me about it."

"After that she became more unstable. The smallest thing would have triggered her. When I was in the dimension with her while she was pregnant, she told me to go away because I didn't want her to stay alone. We didn't see each other for three days. When I wrote you the letter telling you that she wasn't sleeping and eating, I also added that she had a tendency to snap out of nowhere. You told me that it could be a depression mixed with some PTSD and you gave me a treatment for her. The treatment worked very well. It took a week or two to kick in but after that she was fine. I just have a question before I continue. If this is a post traumatic stress disorder, why did it show up now? Two years after the war?"

Redemption |complete| (SasuSaku)Where stories live. Discover now