Trouble on the Double [PH X TJR]

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Philip snuck up to his mothers purse, he sifted through it on the hunt for her credit card, when he eventually found it, he got it and basically ran out to his friend, Theodoisa,

"You got it?" She said, sound a bit excited

"Hell yeah!" He said, showing her the card

The two then basically ran to the store, to then run inside, they both got lots of junk food and some other supplies,

When they got up to the counter to pay, Philip did what you do, he put in the numbers [****], after that he ran to Theodoisa's house, bags and card in hand, when they got their they went up into her tree house,

They both sat back for a moment and dumped the bags out to receive all their junk food and supplies,

Sure, Philip and Theodoisa were both 11 at the time, but they sure weren't the best kids, Theodoisa then smiled at Philip, "Thanks for this Pip, lets hope your mum and dad don't find out"

"Pops won't find out-... I hope" Philip said, with a bit of a gulp, he knew he'd get grounded

After a while they had eating a bag of chips and a pack of gum, they just continued to chat and fuck around like kids their age,

And they talked for hours until Theodoisa heard her father calling for her, "Dad.. Philip I'll be right back" she said, climbing down the latter to the ground, then running into the house,

"Theo, it's almost dinner time, do you want to invite your friend in for dinner?" Burr asked, looking at his daughter,

She nodded, and made a mad dash back out and up the tree house latter, she popped her head up to see Philip,

"Pip, Dad wanted me to ask if you wanted to stay for Dinner" she said, sounding excited like always

Philip nodded, as Theodoisa climbed back down, which was followed by Philip, they both ran around the yard a bit before being called in by Burr for dinner,

As the two ran in, they enjoyed a lovely dinner

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