A Sacrifice for Varkanah Chapter 2

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Chapter II

        Saeran arrived at the bridge just as the golden sun faded into deep shades of red and purple. He was making great time! He had already covered the distance from Valdi to the Cantarian River, and in only four days!

        He, at he insistence of his Uncle, had taken the hardiest horse from the stables in Valdi, but even this powerful beast could hardly stand such a grueling run. He dismounted and left the beast to graze and to rest.

As he gazed across the mighty river, Saeran Randsly saw the immense ranges of the Whitevale Mountains. They were the tallest mountains in Terrilor, and the largest and most difficult obstacle to cross on his way home. All he would need to do would be to go through the Pass of Frost, cross the Merripond River, walk around the Darkmeadow Forest, and then he would be within days of Rosehollow Village.

It was going to be a long journey. Saeran sighed.

He opened one of the saddlebags and pulled out a bedroll. After unrolling it on the ground, Saeran walked around and collected rocks and twigs. He made a little circle out of the rocks and piled the twigs inside of it. He started a fire and, after warming himself, took some dried fruit and dried meat from his saddlebags, ate it, and went to sleep.

        When morning came Saeran cleaned up his site, ate a small breakfast, the same as he’d eaten a few hours previously, and prepared his horse for the next ride. Above him, the heavy gray clouds threatened of a storm. It was not going to be a good day for riding.

        The area that Saeran was in had been in a state of unceasing, monsoon-like rains for several weeks by that time. The grass was green, but there were deep puddles everywhere. The dirt of the road had been reduced to mud. Thus, the river was flooded to its limits, water rushing by faster than it had ever done before, making the crossing of it difficult. Saeran prayed that it wouldn’t start raining.

Apparently, the Gods were smiling on him that day. It was only a few minutes later when the once-threatening clouds dissipated and the sun came out, warming Saeran’s smiling face.

Saeran dismounted and carefully inspected the bridge. He picked out the driest parts to cross upon, but they were very hard to find. The bridge had been built high above the water, to prevent a situation just like this, but these rains were absolutely unheard of in this part of Terrilor!

He took his first, careful step onto the soggy bridge, holding the reins of his horse and leading it slowly across. The wood creaked loudly as he stepped onto it, but Saeran did not stop. He tried to step in front of him, but the wood sagged beneath his weight. He couldn’t bring a horse across that!

It took some time, but Saeran eventually picked his way across the bridge. He sighed with relief. 

        Then Saeran gazed above him at the sky and saw that the bright sun was already straight above him! “Come on Derek,” that was the name he’d given to the horse, “We need to get moving quickly! That bridge took much longer than I’d planned!”

        Saeran speedily mounted his horse. He coerced the tired horse into motion. To make up for lost time, Saeran pushed his horse harder and harder. Its hooves pounded the sodden earth. Soon the poor beast was sprinting at top speed and Saeran lost notice of his surroundings entirely. He failed to see the small creature jump out of the brush and shoot something right at him!

        An arrow whizzed past Derek’s head, and Saeran forced the horse to stop. At Saeran’s side an undecorated short sword. He drew the blade and looked around for his hidden assailant.

He saw a nasty little goblin rushing towards him, brandishing a vicious-looking knife. Its skin was tinged with a slight bluish color. Its fangs, poking out of his mouth, were yellow and sharp. It screamed and yelled curses in the goblin tongue, a guttural and terrifying language. On its back was a white bone bow.

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