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3rd person pov:
Y/n walked up to her house and opened the door. Then she closed it behind her running up the stairs to her room. She slammed her door and started throwing stuff around her room. Books, clothes, remote, pillows, and more. Then she screamed and put her back on the wall and slid down crying. She covered her face with her hands and said...

"Why would he do this to me"

Sabastien's pov:
Y/n went to go see Mattia, and mom went to waffel house to get some...waffles 😂and I was home alone so I thought I would invite a few old friends over. Then I heard someone come in the house. I think it was y/n bc she and mom are the only one who has keys to the house. Besides me. I heard footsteps coming upstairs then a door slammed. Maybe she was just in a bad mood so I just let her be. But then I heard y/n throwing stuff, and then she screamed. I quickly got up and ran to her room and opened the door to see her crying in her hands.

Sabastien: "hey, hey what's wrong?" He said as he pulled her close

Y/n: Mattia he...

Sabastien: what tf did he do!? Did he f*cking hurt you?!

Y/n: no...well's complicated. He kissed Jenna.

Sabastien: he's your best friend he can kiss other girls. It should only matter to you if...y'all are together? YOU AND MATTIA ARE DATING?

Y/n: NO! See it's complicated. But we both like eachother, BUT we also don't wanna ruin what we have. So we're just friends with benefits.

Sabastien: well maybe you should hear him out. I know Mattia. He wouldn't do that to you.

Y/n: how could you say that! I saw HIM kiss HER!

Sabastien: I just saying maybe you should hear him out. It could've been the other way around.

Sabastien let go of y/n and went back to his room. And y/n just sat in her room thinking about what her brother said. Then she got a call from Mattia....

A/n: Hello

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