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Previously on We're In This Together

"And one more thing!" Kaguya yells as she walks back towards the door. "Naruto, Sasuke, Shino, Kiba, Choji, and Shikamaru will be leaving early today. May you give them their work that they would be missing out on for the rest of the day?" Kaguya asked as she and Iruka joined Hinata at the door.

"Sure of course. I'll give Hinata's work to Sasuke as well, so she doesn't get behind." He informs the young woman.

"You're a life-saver Iruka!" Kaguya wraps her arms around the man.

"No problem." Iruka pats her back twice before his hands lay limp at his side.

"Boys. Behave for Iruka." Kaguya tells the boys who nod in response. "Let's go Hinata."

Location: Hyuga Clan's Household

We finally arrive at the Hyuga Clan's household. There are two guards at the entrance.

"Welcome Home."

P.O.V. : Kaguya

Location : Hyuga House

Currently, Hinata and I are waiting in Hiashi's father. Someone names Kiado told us that he was on his way. That was 1 hour and 30 minutes ago. I am not feeling kind enough to be patient with this man. I angrily go through his desk, searching for a pen and paper. I angrily write a letter to the man explaining that I am now raising his daughter due to his selfishness, arrogance, and abusiveness. I also stated that if he had a problem with this, I'd gladly take this to the Hokage. I'd even go as far as spreading through the village that he is an abusive father, which would ruin his reputation. I put my address down for him to send Hinata's things. I may have also written "Make sure you send everything that beongs to her because if I have to come back to this place, it will not be pretty." I grab a kunai and stab it through the note, onto the wall. "Come on, we're leaving." I inform Hinata as I open the door. We walk towards the exit to see Hiashi watching some children train while Kaido whispered to him. Hiashi caught my eye and began to walk over. I ignored him as I continued to walk to the exit.

"Mrs. Hatake!" He called out casuing me to stop and turn towards him.

"Yes?" I asked, folding my arms.

"It was brought to my attention that you wanted to speak with me." He spake, stopping in front of me.

"It's all mentioned in the note I left in your office. Thank you for your time. Have a nice day." I smiled sweetly before walking away.

"Miss Kaguya?" Hinata's soft voice gains my attention as we're walking towards the academy. I stop and turn to her. "Thank you for taking me away from there." She shy wraps my legs into a hug. I smile as I pat her hair.

"No problem Nata." We continue walking down the path. "Hey, wanna go check out the house before picking up the others?" I asked the shy child.

"Won't they be mad?" She questioned as she began to tug on her sleeves.

"Aww Hinata, you're so cute!" I yell as I pick her up. She turns red in embarassment. "And they'll be jealous." I told her. "Come on, let go. You can pick out your room while we're there." I told her as I walk to the house.


We arrive there and she looks in awe. It's a large 15 bedroom home. "Come on, let's go look." We walk around the house. Every room was big enough for at least three twin sized beds and extra room for a dresser. "You see one you like?" I asked Hinata and she shy nods as she points to a door down the hall. I walk into the room to see that it was the same as all the other, only difference is that it had a walk in bathroom. It was bigger than the others but not as big as the Master's bedroom. "Okay." I write her name on a piece of paper and stick it to the door. "Lets go get the boys." I smile as we walk downstairs to leave.


I knock on the door to Iruka's classroom. It's about 10 minutes to lunch. "Come in!" Iruka yells from the other side. I open the door and all eyes are on Hinata and I.

"Hello, Iruka. I'm here for Naruto, Sasuke, Shikamaru, Choji, Shino, Kiba, and Akamaru." I smiled as he nods.

"Yahoo!" Naruto and Kiba yelled as they began to pack up their stuff. Sasuke walks over to Hinata and hands her a worksheet.

"Here. It's your work from today." He looks away after handing her the paper.

"Thank you." She shy says, which made me aww internally.

We all say our goodbyes as we head to find somewhere to eat. They all shout out dishes they want, disturbing the peacful environment of the village. "Okay! Okay! Stand in a line. I'm going to close my eyes and whoever I touch is picking. You all must be quiet until I touch someone, okay." The all nod and I close my eyes.

"Ready!" Everyone shouts. I walk up and down the line, humming.

"Okay the person who is going to pick iiiiisssss........" I stop and grab the child in front of me. "...Choji!" A series of "aw mans" is heard from the boys. "Okay Choji, where are we eating?" I asked him. He nervously plays with his tie as he looks to the kids behind me. "Hey, hey, don't mind them. They have no say in the matter." I spoke loudly so they could hear. "It's all about what you want to eat." I smile at the boy.

"Well, there's this barbeque place that I've always wanted to try but they never let me in." He spole quietly.

"Alright. BBQ it is. Lead the way, Choji! Everyone hold hands." I tell them and Hinata grabs one of my hands and I grabbed Choji's hand with the other. Naruto grabbed Hinata's other hand and so on.

We get to the BBQ place and one of the waitresses see Choji and Shika and grunts. "I told you that we don't give out food. You can't pay so stop coming in here, little bastards." She seethed at the boy. Choji looks down in embarassment and Shika glared at her. I smile maliciously at her, leaking blood lust.

"Excuse me, we're here to eat, so if you could do your job before I break your arms, that would be great." I glare at her, no longer smiling.

"Y-yes ma-ma'am." She stuuters before leading us to a table. "Your d-drinks, I'll be b-back." She rushed off before I could say anything.

Chapter Word Total: 1119

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