But me containing myself from kicking her ass didn't stop me from leaning up to her and glaring at her hateful green eyes. They were a tad lighter than Harry's. I was angrier.

"Now listen here you stupid brat. You're going to let me talk to Mr. Hartford or I will personally peel your skin off and feed it to the ducks on Central Park the minute you say no." I made sure I was staring right into her eyes.

I knew I had scared her, but she didn't get the moment to reply because the door behind me opened and Dr. Hartford came out with a binder and some files in his hands.

He was looking down as he spoke.

"Angeli- oh Andie, what a surprise to see you here." His eyes met mine and he gave me a big smile. Swoon worthy. I was too mad to swoon right now.

I stepped away from the counter and gave him a sweet smile. "Yeah. I was justloisn't she?" I spoke sweetly, and looked over at the paling girl.

"Of course, Andie. Angeline, whenever Andie comes, appointment or not, please let her into my office." He turned to his assistant.

She gave him a curt nod. "But aren't we closed now?" She asked.

"Yes. You can go home, I'll stay here for a bit. I'll see you tomorrow."

Her faced turned sad and she nodded once again before proceeding to gather her things.

I smirked, and followed Dr. Hartford to his office.

"I'm sorry about her... She can be very...protective... Of me." He said once we shut the door, and shrugged out of his coat.

"Yeah." I replied, taking mine off. I wouldn't call what that girl has for him protectiveness. More like possessioness. I could tell she likes him.

He didn't sit on his side of the desk like he always did when we had sessions. Instead, he leaned back on the desk and made himself look like some kind of hot male model.

I sat on one of the two comfortable chairs of his modern looking office, and he looked at me, waiting for the ice to break. "So... What brings you here today?"

I didn't know how to start. But somehow with the little argument I had with Angelina I forgot a bit about Harry. So when Dr. Hartford asked everything was remembered and I frowned.

"I don't really know what to say. I had thoughts, you know, urges because of something that happened today and I knew you would help me through it." I said, and leaned my head on my hand.

He moved from the desk and walked over to me. He knelt in front of me. "Can I know what exactly happened?" He said, his blue eyes looking into mine.

"Dr. Hartfo-"

"Call me James, please. I understand this might be hard for you, but don't think to me as your doctor, think of me as a friend who's here to help you. All I want to do is help you Andie." He whispered, and his hand touched my cheek.

I didn't stop looking at his eyes as I explained everything to him. From finding out Talia's lies to now. He never moved from his knelt position in front of me.

"Why is it that every time you're altered it is because of Harry. . ." He said, shaking his head.

"I know Harry isn't... He, he is just Harry.."
I shook my head, breathing deeply.

"And you love him?" He whispered.

"Very much."

His hand slowly moved to my cheek again. "If he loves you as much as you love him he should put you in front of anybody. Andie you... You are worthy.. You are worthy of everything..." He began to lean in and I froze. I wasn't sure what was happening.

"You're so beautiful..." He continued, and my eyes followed his when he brought his lips to mine, in the same second that the door was harshly opened.



Happy New Year everybody and I hope you had an amazing holiday.

I'm sadly currently sitting in the hospital with my mother who is ill, but we don't know what she has yet. (As you've noticed, my life is always in turmoil.)

But let's talk book matters here. I also warned you that James (Dr. Hottie) was going to become a very important character and now is the time.

Some will hate him.

Some will love him.

I'll just watch you all cry over the cliffhanger.

By the way, expect a lot of those from now on.

Anyway! I want to hear your responses on Twitter. I will reply to every one of them and follow every one who follows me tonight.

My Twitter is @musiicnotes and if you have some feedback on Fake Fiancèe, tweet to me. And tell me how your #FakeFianceeSaturday experience was.

I'm also making the One Shot contest longer, so you have until February 4th (my niece's first birthday.) to complete. And email, kik, tumblr or message whatever you're more comfortable with.

Tell me what you thought!

Talia's call?

Harry's reaction?

Andie's reaction?


Dr. Hartford is so nice?

But so flirty?


This was such a long authors note I'm sowwy. But I hope you all read and if you did than you deserve a cookie.

Dedication to @sidewaystyles ~

See you guys Sat and have a wonderful year!!

Love you!

Delilah xx.

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